I get so many questions about how I have the time to do all that I do especially when it comes to cooking foods from scratch. As most of you know, I grew up eating traditional Spanish foods. So that was easy to integrate into my own lifestyle, however, when I heard about the book Nourishing Traditions, I was definitely overwhelmed!
Making my own yogurt?! Butter?! Creme Fraiche?! Lacto-Ferments?! Sprouting Grains?! Homemade Stock?! Making my own bread, tortillas, crackers?!
Yeah, that was scary!! However, over the course of over 2 years with many failed attempts, learning from others, tapping into traditional local networks, I was able to see how easy it is when you break things down. Not everything is done in one day and that is what I love about Wardeh’s e-course. She shows you how easy it is to incorporate these nourishing techniques into your lifestyle.
Here’s How the eCourse Works
Each week, you’ll receive one lesson, or one part of a lesson. You’ll get it in a combination of audio, video and/or print formats. In the video, I will demonstrate a lesson’s cooking technique, giving you the confidence you need to do it yourself. The print and audio versions of a lesson will deepen your understanding of GNOWFGLINS, share more details about the technique presented in the video lesson, suggest more recipes that you can follow to take the lesson further, and offer troubleshooting advice for possible obstacles. When you’re done watching, listening to, and reading each lesson’s simple yet comprehensive multi-media materials, you’ll know, as I do, that you can achieve delicious, healthy food, too!
Each lesson will answer three basic and essential questions:
What? – What is this food and/or technique? What ingredients do I need?
Why? – Why should we eat a certain food or prepare it a certain way?
How? – How is the technique carried out or how is this food prepared?
Each lesson will come with one or more “Fact Sheets,” which are one-page (more or less) documents that quickly summarize an important topic. You might call them Cliff Notes. All by themselves, these are a great resource and you’ll turn to them again and again to guide your kitchen tasks with surety. I recommend putting them all in page protectors in a handy binder.
As a participant of the eCourse, you’ll have access to the members-only forums. There, you can trade advice and experience, encourage – and be encouraged by – other members, brainstorm solutions, and get personalized advice from me. No matter what hiccups you face, your fellow community members and I will get you going again.
Are you wondering how you’ll ever figure out what to buy and what equipment you’ll need? I’ve got that covered, too! You’ll get ingredient and equipment notes well in advance of needing anything special. I won’t leave you hanging out to dry, unprepared. So breathe easy.
Oh, by the way, I’ll avoid requiring kitchen appliances as much as possible. Sometimes, the right tool is absolutely necessary. On the other hand, quite often the best tool is the simplest tool. If I can spare you from having to buy something when you really can’t afford it, I will.
What’s in the eCourse?
This plan isn’t called “Fundamentals” for nothing. I carefully selected the basic skills in this eCourse, and I believe every healthy cook should know how to do them. They each have a purpose in the nutrient-dense diet that keeps us feeling, looking, and doing our best for God and others.
- Overview: eCourse Overview
- Lesson 1: The GNOWFGLINS Foundation
- Lesson 2: How to Soak Whole Grains, Nuts and Seeds
- Lesson 3: How to Make Soaked Whole-Grain Flour Baked Goods I
- Lesson 4: How to Make Soaked Whole-Grain Flour Baked Goods II
- Lesson 5: How to Soak and Cook Dry Beans
- Lesson 6: How to Sprout Beans
- Lesson 7: How to Cook a Chicken and Make Chicken Stock
- Lesson 8: How to Make Skillet Dishes: A Dinner Formula
- Lesson 9: How to Make Water Kefir
- Lesson 10: How to Make Dairy Kefir
- Lesson 11: How to Make Soft, Spreadable Cheese
- Lesson 12: How to Make Sourdough Bread
- Lesson 13: How to Sprout Whole Grains for Sprouted Grain Flour & How to Bake With Sprouted Grain Flour
- Lesson 14: How to Make Natural Pickled Foods
What if you have dietary restrictions?
The Fundamentals eCourse can work for people with dietary restrictions. Because we’re talking about general formulas and benefits, the techniques can be applied (in most cases) while working around dietary restrictions. We will never use anything processed (other than baking powder, mentioned below), so you don’t have to worry about hidden dairy, corn, soy, gluten, nuts or eggs as a part of any food ingredient.
But what about whole food ingredients in the lessons? Iʼll address those various dietary restrictions specifically, so you can judge for yourself whether or not the eCourse is right for you.
Keep in mind that there are fourteen cooking lessons. Some dietary restrictions will be affected by a handful of lessons, but not more than that.
A great investment to learn how to cook traditionally at home!
For less than $10 a class you can visually learn how to start cooking nourishing meals from the comfort of your own home. I wish I would have had this e-course when I started on my way to nourishing, traditional foods! It would have saved me so much time and energy!
Hurry Space is Limited and Enrollment Ends Soon!
So sorry dear readers, but with my recent trip to NYC and prepping for classes, I haven’t had time to get this up sooner. Enrollment ends at 5pm on Monday, February 22nd. Membership is an affordable $27 per month for 5 months, and it includes extensive multi-media materials, private member forums, access to Wardeh, her best advice, and much more!
*Please note: I’m not a huge fan of advertising, however I feel strongly about this e-course and highly recommend it to those who are interested in learning traditional techniques. I am an affiliate and fellow Real Food Media Blog Network Member! We support each other, boo yah!
wow what a great idea to really start changes kitchens all over! 🙂
I just enrolled on the e-course last week.
sounds like an interesting class! Will check it out!
This sounds like a very informative course!
Great idea. will need to have a look most definitely!
I am totally going to look into this!!!!! You always have such great info and advice, Diana!
This sounds fabulous!! THanks for the heads up!!
That course sounds interesting. I love to cook from scratch. Boxes are bad in my book.