It’s Simple Lives Thursday! My favorite day of the week where you share your tips and recipes for living a simple life. Below you’ll find the linky to add your post to. Remember you can add your link on any of the four hosting blogs.
Your Hosts
Wherever you choose to post, it will show up on all 4 sites! The other hosts and I also add your post to our facebook fan pages and tweet 😉 As a reminder, this blog hop is a way to share with many people your posts on what you are doing to live a simple life. Whether that’s gardening, raising urban chickens, homeschooling, sewing, making your own deodorant, or cleaning supplies… we want to know about it! If you’re into homeopathy, ways to save $ by conserving energy or other ways to live frugally… we want to know about it! If you bike, cook real food, homestead or farm… we want to know about it!
As a reminder: If you are going to be linking to this blog hop, please add a link to this post at the end of your blog post entry stating that it’s a part of this weeks Simple Lives Thursday.
Denise @ Creative Kitchen says
Thanks for hosting Simple Lives Thursday Diana!! I have really been enjoying reading through the great blogs that also participate & getting to know some new ones!
Today my oldest daughter turns 12!! Hard to believe that 12 years ago today I became a mommy! She’s excited to be getting the day off school today (we homeschool).
Diana Bauman says
Thanks for linking up Denise!
Sense of Home says
Thanks for hosting!
Laurie says
Thanks for hosting! Today I posted on my first experiences with sourdough bread baking.
Diana Bauman says
I can’t wait to read your post Laurie!
Michelle @ On and Off My Plate says
The braised chicken looks great…thanks for hosting the hop!
Andrea (Andreas Kitchen) says
Happy Thursday! I am sharing my recipe for Beef Mushroom Soup. It tastes great the first day, but it’s even better the second day!
Thanks fro hosting!
alex at a moderate life says
Hi Diana! Happy thursday. Pretty excited for spring to start so I can get my garden going. It has been such a cold and snowy winter! Linking up a great rice pilaf from bittman that is the perfect side dish! All the best, Alex
Belinda @zomppa says
Thanks again for hosting! Oh, vermiculture…cool….
Thank you all for sharing your recipes and experiences. Finding Diana’s blog has rekindled the “home made” spirit in me which in the turmoil of life had been aside. Little by little I’m incorporating more home cooking, healthy products. Have a nice weekend!
Diana Bauman says
Thanks for the sweet note! I’m so glad you found us!!
Mely@MexicoInMyKitchen says
Wow! So many great entries this week! I just need time to take advantage of them all.
Have a great week everyone.
PS. The giveaway is still open until MArch 7th.
Diana Bauman says
Thanks Mely!!
Diana Bauman says
Thanks everyone for linking up! What a great week this is!
Jane says
Hi there!
I added Rose’s Spaghetti Sauce and Meatballs. It’s a family favorite! Thanks for hosting!
Rebecca says
I am just so smitten with your blog….I swear it was kismet that I found it. I am a gardener, a future chicken owner, a lover of spanish/mexican food (I grew up in Arizona)…..I am so glad I found you…and I am only one state away in Minnesota.
Diana Bauman says
Thanks Rebecca! I’m looking forward to getting to know you 😀