It’s Simple Lives Thursday! My favorite day of the week where you share your tips and recipes for living a simple life. Below you’ll find the linky to add your post to. Remember you can add your link on any of the four hosting blogs.
Your Hosts
Wherever you choose to post, it will show up on all 4 sites! The other hosts and I also add your post to our facebook fan pages and tweet 😉 As a reminder, this blog hop is a way to share with many people your posts on what you are doing to live a simple life. Whether that’s gardening, raising urban chickens, homeschooling, sewing, making your own deodorant, or cleaning supplies… we want to know about it! If you’re into homeopathy, ways to save $ by conserving energy or other ways to live frugally… we want to know about it! If you bike, cook real food, homestead or farm… we want to know about it!
As a reminder: If you are going to be linking to this blog hop, please add a link to this post at the end of your blog post entry stating that it’s a part of this weeks Simple Lives Thursday.
Thanks for letting us participate and be part of this community.
Andrea (Andreas Kitchen) says
Hi Diana! I am sharing my recipe for Mashed Garnet Yams With Bacon, Chipotle and Pecans. The flavors are amazing together!
Thanks for hosting!
Stephanie says
Hello! I love your blog!…first time here. I was looking through the Des Moines Natural Living website and could not find anyone to contact because I have a resource I would love to be added to the list. Who do I need to contact?
[email protected]
thanks! 🙂
Sense of Home says
Thanks for hosting Diana, have a terrific weekend.