Has your gardening season started?
Anything new sprouting indoors or growing outdoors? Take the time to share what you’ve been up to in the comments 😀
food • faith • family
Diana is a mother of three, proud wife, and humbled daughter of God. She finds the most joy meeting with Jesus in her organic gardens. She is completely blessed to be able to call herself a stay at home mom where she home educates her children, joyfully serves her husband, and cooks nourishing, real food, for her family. She loves connecting with people on facebook, google+, pinterest, and instagram.
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Belinda @zomppa says
Those faces!! They are so ready!
Debra Garner says
Beautiful pictures! My gardening will start soon – I’m so excited! 🙂
Blessings, Debra
Raw Vegan Diet
Sofia Reino says
Absolutely gorgeous photos. Herbs growing well… inside the house. In the garden the strawberries are starting to show signs of growth and the rest is still slowly spurting in containers. This year we are planting: Lupini beans, green beans, peas, all types of tomatoes, various types of cabbages, pimientos de padron, variety of peppers, zucchini, cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, squash and not sure what else!
Kris @ Attainable Sustainable says
Love your plant labels. 😉 I’m in a mild climate, so have tomatoes already blossoming, but just got beans, radishes, daikon, onions, and melon in the ground last week. We’ve got germination!
Chris@ Get Real Chris says
Your pictures are beautiful. Our community garden opens in 3 weeks. Can’t wait!
Mare @ just-making-noise says
Have fun!!!
Laurie says
Man! I am so jealous! We’ve got nothing but snow, ice and mud around here. In the greenhouse I’ve got a couple of kinds of lettuce, some spinach and peas. Inside I’ve got alyssum and painted tongue coming along, and we just put a monster load of nightshade type seeds in the dirt today. I usually have my nightshades well on their way by now, but this spring has been SO COLD and SO SNOWY! I managed to overwinter one stevia plant and it is bushing out nicely now.
Mely@Mexicoinmykitchen says
Handsome Boys!
I had been to busy these year. I always plant herbs in my balcony and these year the cold water hasn’t help.
Have a great day, hugs!
Jenn @LeftoverQueen says
Love these photos! 🙂 We still have some snow on the ground – but it is almost time to plant those peas and favas. We have a nice group of seedling started indoors too! Such a great time of year – full of so much promise!
Andrea @ The Greenbacks Gal says
Great photos! Still trying to get all my beds built. Haven’t started the seedlings. Must. get. that. done!