1. Faith is not something we all have. It’s a gift from God that we receive through the Word of Christ.
Romans 10:17
So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
The Lord has, so, abundantly been blessing me with this over the past year. However, it’s not been a fun ride and at the right time I can’t wait to share with you.
2. When we truly repent and ask for forgiveness, God literally forgives us and forgets our sins.
Jeremiah 31:34
For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.
When I first learned that, it was truly a revelation. My past was done. My future was waiting.
3. Just because one is called a Christian does not mean “sin free”. Christians are humans, we mess up… BAD! One thing though, we can always, ALWAYS come back to our Maker.
4. Don’t believe all the hype at church. Although a fellowship, true faith and true salvation comes from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. When I write personal, it’s just that. Personal.
5. Don’t ever… ever… feel afraid to visit a church because everyone there is “holy.” It’s a room filled with drug addicts, porn subscribers, alcoholics, success driven idolators, and anything else you can probably think of. In other words… people. Many of these people, however, have come to the place where they know this life can’t be lived on their own and are handing their burdens over to Jesus.
6. Just because you live your life for Christ does not mean life will be easy. Oh goodness, no. He will continue to mold us and shape us and that usually takes a beating.
7. His plans are not our plans. He’s been currently showing me this as well. However, the more that I give up my plans the more joy I have. Also, it’s been amazing to see that through every stage in my life he prepares me for the next. Although life sometimes seems chaotic, with no direction… be aware that it may be His path that we just haven’t realized we are on yet.
8. His plans for you are not His plans for your neighbor. This is so important especially for Christians. Don’t gloat over your blessings on facebook or how everyone else should be living their lives because God has been showing you His plan for you. Share about his mercy, his love and that although different, He has a unique plan for each of us.
9. Kindness. Kindness. Kindness. If there is one legacy I would like to leave behind, it’s kindness. What does that look like?
- A smile
- A hug
- Looking at someone in their eyes while listening
- Sharing
- Heeding the advice from elders
- Respecting our elders (although adults, we still have elders)
- Not shunning anyone
- Not looking down at anyone
- Being aware that people just need your time
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10. Sorry folks, most blogs you follow are written by young people (including myself). Inexperienced, learning along the way, and sharing what they find. First reach out to Christ. What does he say in His written Word, then follow up with real people in your community and church who have been there, done that. People whom have failed, overcome trials and matured in their faith.
Okay… one more 😉
11. I cannot live this life without Christ. It’s too difficult filled with too many temptations that never leave me satisfied and filled with joy.
Is there anything you’d like to add to the list? Feel free to share what God has been doing in you life or if you have any question about living for Christ feel free to comment as well 🙂
Victoria Cepeda says
Well put, thanks for sharing.
Dr. Gabriel Bauman says
Wonderful post mama.
Noelle (@singerinkitchen) says
Amen friend! Thank you for sharing your passion!
Therese - Artistta says
So with you on “His plans are not our plans” and He too has shown me that over and over and over this last year and even last couple of years. Until we are willing to die to our own desires and instead put Him first, we’ll be in this battle of wills with the Lord and it’s a battle we can’t loose without greatly sacrificing our relationship with God.
I hope all is going good for you right now!
cami says
Diana, thank you for this beautiful post. You now the saying: “We make plans and God laughs.” I’ve been so amazed to learn that His plan, albeit much harder at times, always turns out to be infinite better than anything that I could ever dream of for myself. 🙂
momgateway says
God is good. He is ever faithful. In Him we move and have our being.
Holli says
Numbers 8 and 9 are particularly powerful in my life.
Number 8 has caused me the most personal pain from well-meaning people who meant well.
Number 7 is fascinating. I’ve known a brave few souls willing to follow, truly follow His lead. It’s scary!
Thank you for sharing your top 10!
Tina Clifford says
Thanks so much for sharing this. It’s something I needed to be reminded of…especially number 7. I get wrapped up in making my own plans and forget to check in with God first. Here’s another thought for your list: Graciousness. I always tell my girls that they need to be gracious when dealing with people. It’s a difficult thing to do, and I love listening to people who speak and act graciously…tough subjects can be smoothed out and everyone retains their dignity.
DebbieM says
I don’t think I could have said it better myself. Thanks for posting this! He is good and He is merciful.
I love the Westminster Shorter Catechism question number one: “What is the chief end of man? Answer: The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever!”
This is too easily forgotten as we get caught up in our plans and lives.