My chickens are getting bigger every day. I have two, two-week old chicks inside and three, seven-week-old chicks outside. Their chicken coop is near completion. My hubby has done an amazing job building these birdies a beautiful palace. I can’t wait to paint it. While they’re waiting for their permanent home, my older chicks are still living in the dog kennel, mostly outside. I let them roam the yard every morning for fresh bugs, weeds, and worms and then put them in their kennel without a flooring so they can still chomp away at the grass, dirt, and bugs. The pictures below are from last week. I finally had the guts to let them “play” with my 2 German Shepherd dogs. They were already used to the chickens being outside in a kennel, but I wanted to see what they would do once they weren’t confined. I was astounded! They hardly took notice of the birds. Boaz, my five-year-old male, seemed more interested as he sniffed at them a bit and followed them around. He is my guardian and I noticed that he actually started watching over the chickens. I never thought much about it, but he likes to sit right next to their kennel while they are in there and sort of guard it. Hmm.. I’m still too nervous to let the chickens out with dogs without my supervision but I was thrilled that my dogs don’t mind sharing their yard. I love German Shepherd Dogs! They are beautiful, obedient, great with kids, and have the best temperament. However, they will guard my family with their lives! Below are some pictures of my kids, dogs, and chickens.
travelgirl says
You will have to tell me more about your chickens next week. I love them!