The growing season is upon us. All of my Spring veggies are in the ground and this coming weekend my local farmers market opens for the 2011 season.
In between baseball games, camping trips, swimming and having summer fun, plans still need to be made to preserve the harvest. Not just in the Fall, but starting as soon as now.
When we think about preserving, we often think about canning tomatoes in the Fall. However, with the Spring comes bounty that we’ll only have for a short period of time.
Vegetables such as Asparagus, sweet greens, morel mushrooms and the brightness of fresh spring tarragon can be dried, canned and frozen to be enjoyed throughout the remainder of the summer and into next year. Strawberries will burst into season starting late May into June and for a solid month will give us time to experiment with them in the kitchen and preserve as many locally or home grown berries as we can.
This is where I want to help you stay on top of the game.
Starting next week I’ll be sending out a bi-monthly newsletter where we’ll be cooking, and preserving through the seasons. I’ll also be sharing with you what will be coming into season to prepare you for the weeks ahead.
Included in the newsletter will be also be topics on gardening, foraging and sourcing in bulk from local farmers markets and buying clubs.
Of course, recipes to make use of fresh seasonal ingredients will be included as well.
My hopes for this newsletter is that you understand the growing seasons and what to expect during which part of the year to nourish your family with fresh, local and chemical free produce. With the rising costs of food, eating and preserving by season will save you money along the way.
Also… one of the many benefits of making and preserving your own sauces, salsas, jams and chutneys is that they will enhance the flavors of the dishes you create at home.
You’ll never buy canned again!
So… what are you waiting for? Sign Up Today To Stay In Touch With The Seasons!
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aesh says
owh. just what we needed. I hate canned stuff. lack of taste and originality.