A pantry staple in our household is homemade mayonnaise.
Homemade mayonnaise is easy and quick to make. You can make it with 4 simple ingredients and feel great knowing exactly what’s in your Mayo. Real Food.
In Spain, everyone makes their own homemade mayonnaise and typically use Extra Virgin Olive Oil as their base ingredient. I enjoy the deep and peppery flavor especially when mixed in Ensaladilla Rusa.
In the States, however, we’re used to a much milder mayonnaise specifically for sandwiches.
My husband was the first to ask me to make something more to his style so I came up with a homemade mayonnaise using a combination of grapeseed oil and extra virgin olive oil.
A mild mayonnaise with a hint of extra virgin olive oil. It makes a perfect spread for sandwiches, deviled eggs, salads and as a base for many condiments.
How to Make Homemade Mayonnaise With 4 Simple Ingredients
1. In a measuring cup, combine both grapeseed and extra virgin olive oil.
2. To a blender add the egg and egg yolk.
3. To the blender add 2 tablespoons lemon juice. This is essential as the acid binds the ingredients.
4. To the blender add 1/2 teaspoon salt. (You can also add 1 teaspoon of dijon mustard which I omit if I don’t have it)
5. Blend the ingredients for a couple of seconds and then SLOWLY, drizzle the oil into the blender while blending.
That’s it. Homemade Mayonnaise.
If you use it as is and store in the refrigerator it should keep for 3-4 days, however, if you ferment the mayonnaise for 6 hours, it will keep for 2 months in the refrigerator.
How to Ferment Homemade Mayonnaise to Keep for 2 Months
All you need to add to the mayonnaise to allow it to keep for 2 months is whey.
1. To collect whey, drain yogurt through a cheesecloth. The liquid that drains is the the whey and filled with lactic acid which will preserve the mayonnaise.
2. Add 1 tablespoon of whey to your mayonnaise, mix thoroughly and allow to sit out at room temperature for 6 hours.
After 6 hours, place in the refrigerator and it should keep for 2 months.
Super easy, taste great, and, most importantly, it has no hidden ingredients.
GinnyV says
After running out of mayo AGAIN, I was looking for an easy recipe to use. My husband is a little wary of making homemade mayo, but this would save us so much money and be healthier. I’m excited to give this a try.
keith hinkel says
I too am wary due to salmonella. But I am going to make some soon–just can not find Grape seed oil here.
Chris E says
Order it. My local Costco carries it. Like olive oils, Grapeseeds will differ in flavor, depending on place of origin and there’s the freshness factor! So watch the dates. Hard to do when ordering. I’ve also purchased many oils at the discount buyout stores. AGAIN watch the dates! In St. Louis we have Big lots and Tuesday Morning’s. My faves!
I made the Grapeseeds version this weekend for holiday Tato salad. DElICIOUS!
Working on the whey trick now to stabilize.
Natalie Ransford says
How did the fermentation process goes with using the whey?… did it change the flavor… By the way I am new to eating healthy… I added 2 teaspoons of local honey to it… It tastes so much like Kraft or Helmans…NO SACRIFICES HERE!!!#
Cindrella says
Just add any vegetable oil
Any cooking oil
2garlic cloves
Put them in blender add oil in trips till i get mayo consistency.. done
Holly 'Demlow' Allen says
I use a blend of olive oil and coconut oil. We love homemade mayo!
Diana Bauman says
What an interesting combination. Does it leave a bit of coconut flavor in there? So curious!
Doina says
I do that too. I use the Tropical Traditions expeller-expressed coconut oil that doesn’t smell or taste like coconut because the regular one did taste like coconut and as much as I like the taste of it, we just didn’t like it in the mayo. I do 1/2 olive oil from Chaffin Family Orchards and 1/2 coconut oil. HTH!
Mireya Vance says
I LOVE Tropical Traditions and also use expeller-expressed coconut oil that doesn’t smell or taste like coconut! It’s the only one I know of (and the long-time owner of the health food store where I shop) that doesn’t taste like coconut, so you can use it in cooking. I have also used it on my skin and have had amazing results! I have gotten rid of four different yucky skin things where nothing else I tried would work. I also use it as a night cream…it’s really super great stuff! This, and Cold-Pressed, Extra Virgin Olive Oil are my two favorite oils!!!
OleDad says
Raw coconut oil has a light coconut taste. Processed coconut oil has little or no flavor.
Michelle @ Simplify, Live, Love says
This looks awesome! I love the pictures. I will be giving this a try in a few weeks when I get some new oil. Shared this on FB and pinned it! 🙂
Diana Bauman says
Thanks Michelle!
Seeds of Nutrition says
Make it all the time. I use a stick blender to mix. Wrote a post on it a while back.
chris says
That’s awesome! I never thought of that, my blender is a bullet so it’s very difficult to drizzle the oil in while blending. I’ll have to get this a try. Thanks!
Kristine Winniford says
I use Dijon mustard instead of lemon and then sunflower oil, sometimes I’ll use a sunflower/olive blend.
Kathryn Benedict MacRoberts says
I do and really like the mandarin infused olive oil.
Diana Bauman says
Mandarin infused oil, wow. What a great combo! I’ll have to try that.
Ally's Sweet & Savory Eats says
I saw this on Pinterest this morning and “pinned” it! Beautiful artwork Diana and a recipe I am going to have to try!
Diana Bauman says
Thanks Ally!
Lisa Dorris- Chirico says
Thanks girl! I may not be able to contribute to the foodie world but I sure do love learning from it!!
Christine @ Fresh says
Wow, I didn’t know that there was a fermenting process. That is very helpful and makes whipping up homemade mayo so much more worthwhile.
Noelle (@singerinkitchen) says
Yummy Diana! My Chilean Grandma showed me how to make this at one point. 😀
meemsnyc says
oooh, this looks amazing!
Ashley Drake Gephart says
Found this via pinterest and will be repinning so I don’t lose it! This mayonnaise looks really good and yet simple enough that I can manage it. The photos are really great too.
Diana Bauman says
Thanks for stopping by Ashley! Hope it turns out well for you 🙂
Joybilee Farm says
I make a similiar mayonnaise but use 2 egg yolks instead of the whole egg and olive oil, not extra virgin. I add the dijon mustard. I love the idea of adding whey to preserve it. We have goats and I make cheese so have lots of raw milk whey, that usually goes to the animals. I will try this.
Pinning this, too.
Diana Bauman says
Thanks for stopping by Chris!
Lori @ Laurel of Leaves says
Love your picture instructions! I made my own mayo a few months ago, but I think I used too much olive oil and the flavor was too strong for my husband and I 😛 Ready to try again! It’s so simple!
LaLonnie Nelson says
I am a lil worried about the raw eggs…….
Diana Bauman says
Thanks for stopping by LaLonnie. I can understand your worry. One thing to remember is that Mayonnaise, real mayonnaise, has always been made with raw eggs. What’s important today is using local, farm fresh eggs. Mine come from my backyard and we eat them raw often. For a local source check out http://www.localharvest.org.
Carl Chase says
@ LaLonnie; We must remember that Raw Eggs, like Raw Milk, which come from our own yards, or a Local Organic Farm, are much more likely to be safe than we are led to believe by the results of the Factory Farm producers who raise their animals in very poor conditions.
shari says
I appreciate everyone’s comments about the raw eggs. I was very leery about using them, but will give it a try.
Javin says
@LaLonnie – Don’t be afraid of raw eggs. Just don’t. I’ve literally eaten raw eggs my entire LIFE and never once gotten sick. The whole hype of Salmonella poisoning was just that. Hype. At the height of the “egg scare” one in 20,000 eggs were estimated to be contaminated with salmonella. This means that if you ate two raw eggs every day, odds are you MIGHT run into one contaminated egg in 27 years. Then what if you DO get lucky enough to hit that lottery? People who have eaten eggs contaminated with Salmonella “may experience abdominal cramps, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, chills, fever and/or headache anywhere from six to 72 hours after being exposed.” More than likely, you’ll get a slight tummyache. Worse case scenario, you might think you have a 24 hour flu… Once in 27 years. End story: Don’t be afraid of raw eggs. Their benefits far, far, far outweigh the “dangers” that have been hyped by the media.
Kathy says
If you do get contaminated with salmonella just drink 2 TBS apple cider vinegar in a glass of water with honey or sweetener and in 15 min or so you should be over it.
Helene says
And people have to realize store bought eggs come from poor chickens that are , several in a cage, their beaks cut off so they don’t peck each other, no fresh air or running around eating bugs, and scratching at the dirt. How on earth can these chickens produce a healthy egg for us to eat. Stress, poor quality food, and a dirty environment can all contribute to salmonella eggs!
Gwen Roach says
Thanks for posting this. We’ve been working on incorporating “Nourishing” foods into our diet and I’ve only tried to make mayo once, and have been thinking about trying it again. I’ll definitely try your recipe. I recently read Catherine Shanahan’s Food Rules which inspired me to try to remove the remnants of vegetable oils from our diet.
Kyle E Higgins says
I just came across your recipe and can’t wait to try it – all of my past experiments were horrible, this one looks easy! Thanks!
Brenda says
I have started making our own mayo and fermenting it, and am thrilled with the results. We are adjusting to the taste of all extra virgin olive oil, now we enjoy it, but I might try the coconut oil version to use in some things.
Kitty Phinney says
This is great but I am wondering how coconut oil would work?
Joy at The Liberated Kitchen says
What a pretty post! You do it similarly to the way we do… but we have a secret ingredient or two 😉 We like to lacto-ferment ours, too. The main thing really is to GO SLOW with the oil!
The best thing about this is it can become the base for all sorts of other good money-saving condiments like blue cheese or ranch dressing!
A Little Bit of Spain in Iowa says
No problem Kyle! Hope it turns out well for you 😀
Molly (Mike and Molly's House) says
My husband Mike makes mayo all the time! We love, love, love it! To spice things up he will make a curry/mayo dip for veggies.
Erin says
Found this recipe through Pinterest. Two of my family members have dietary restrictions, so I’ve gone “back to the beginning” and am attempting to make everything from scratch so I know what’s in it. Holy moly. This is DELICIOUS stuff. I could eat it by the spoonful! Thanks for sharing the recipe.
Dee Ann says
Thank you so much for the tip about preserving the homemade mayo. I made it for the first time today, and wondered how I could make it last longer,… now to find some whey!
Dee Ann
Sophy says
I love it! I always put a little dill on it… give a sweet and different taste! The way to pour the olive oil in the yolk has to be very slow in order to make it smooth and with body.
Mary Gail says
My nephew’s wife has a mayonnaise store in Brooklynn and online. (Empire Mayonnaise) They sell all sorts of flavors of mayonnaise!!…at a pretty hefty price in my opinion- but makes me realize how many different ingredients can be used in mayonnaise! I have been a Miracle Whip girl but would love to make something yummy and healthy!
Diana Bauman says
Thanks for that link Mary, I’m excited to check out Empire Mayonnaise!
Krista says
Any suggestions on how to ferment and make it non-dairy? I can’t do whey. I’ve been purchasing grapeseed mayo and love everything about it…but the price! It’s so expensive! I can’t wait to try this one, but I need it to last more than a few days. Do you know if it would freeze well? Thanks for such a great idea!
Diana Bauman says
Hi Krista. You could use another acid medium. If you have any fermented vegetables… like pickles or kimchi, you can use that liquid since it has lactobacillus bacteria. As far as the grapeseed oil, if you have a Trader Joes, they do sell a good quality there for a good price 😀 I’m really not sure about freezing. I would honestly just make a small batch and test it. See how long it lasts you and improvise from there.
Jay says
I’ve made mayo many times. I learned to make it in culinary school. We didn’t use any whole eggs, just egg yolks and it works fine. One egg yolk will hold about 1/2 to 1 cups of oil. I have made it with both canola and olive oils and it’s quite delicious either way. The whey is a good idea, but what yogurt did you use? Plain Greek? I think I’ll try it next time I decide to make some homemade mayo.
Chris says
Same as my wife’s version. She keeps trying different combinations of oil. Great recipe. But since it does have 2 different oils, it should state 5 ingredients.
Ron Flinders says
If you’re afraid of raw eggs, use the cooking method in preparing homemade mayo. I certainly plan on making my next batch using whey and fermenting. I always add a 1/2 tsp garlic powder and a tsp dry mustard.
Sue-Anne says
I’ve tried making home made mayonnaise many times and somehow never get it right. I’ll try this version, using first cold pressed oils grape seed oil rather than refined.
Sarah says
I recently found out my soy intolerance has included soybean oil in the bad list, and all the store brands are made (or possibly made) with it. This seems really easy, so will look to trying it. But I’m also lactose intolerant, so based on your suggestion, I think I’ll try some of the liquid from a jar of green olives. One we have specifically mentions lactic acid in the ingredients, and I’d think it would blend with the olive oil taste well.
slywlf says
Looks wonderful, and easy. Just one question – is there any other option than whey to help it keep? I have a really nasty allergy to anything that started from a cows udder – milk, butter, cheese etc. Would sheep or goat yogurt work? I can handle those if I don’t over-do it.
Diana Bauman says
Yes, anything that has lactic acid. So if you ferment anything, you could use liquid from that or goat/sheep yogurt whey would work as well.
Katiedid56 says
So do you have to use a home-made yogurt or can you use whey from a store-bought plain yogurt?
Diana Bauman says
Yes, you can definitely use whey from store bought plain yogurt.
djes says
Don’t forget to never let the mayonnaise for hours directly on the sun, and not for days in fridge. There’s a risk of intoxication due to the eggs and Salmonellosis (no risk if eated fresh).
Amy says
beautiful photos! i just made some with great results, the oil is a bit strong so it was good to read some of the options in the comments here. I am so happy to read about fermenting with whey, i always have a lot from making yogurt so that is even more motivating to keep making mayo! thanks for the inspiration!
Marina says
What is the recipe for the Chilean mayonnaise? My fiancée served a mission in Chile and is always saying how much better the mayo was there.
Diana Bauman says
Marina, I’m not sure. However, I can’t imagine it being too far of from this recipe.
Amy D. says
I feel like this is a silly question, but…is it possible to pour the oil TOO slowly? Can mayo “break” in this case, too? I have never been successful when trying to make mayo and I always thought that I was pouring in the oil too fast until I tried it literally one drop at a time through a sport-top bottle and it STILL broke… 🙁
I will try it this way, though – I was using a hand-held mixer before.
Diana Bauman says
I think that was a bit too slow. Just a steady stream. Let me know how it turns out 😀
Amy D. says
I tried it out last and it worked great! I did a happy dance that my mayo didn’t break, haha! The olive oil taste kind of took me aback at first (I used only olive oil and not an oil combination), but the more little tastes I took, the more I wanted to just grab a spoon and eat it straight! 🙂
Amy D. says
*last night
Diana Bauman says
I know, Amy! I LOVE pure olive oil mayonnaise. Many people in the States, however, find it a bit strong. Once you get used to it though, yumm-o!
Renee Nelson says
You should make this printable.
Or maybe it is but I can’t see it
Špela says
This is a similar recipe that I use. I didn’t know you could use whey to make it last longer. Can’t wait to try it. I also like the flavor of mayonnaise with some chopped fresh herbs.
4HungryBunnies says
Making homemade mayonnaise has been a bit of a conundrum for me because we have been trying to match the taste of Real Hellmann’s but have been unsuccessful. We’ve tried just extra virgin olive oil and grapeseed and extra virgin olive oil combo, with and without lemon juice, etc. It seemed to turn out a bit better with the grapeseed oil although we weren’t using the amounts listed here, as I was winging it. But my concern is that I found out Grapeseed oil is very high in Omega 6’s which our body usually already gets plenty of and it’s not something you want an over abundance of because it encourages cancerous cell growth. I have already had cancer in the past and want to steer clear of anything that encourages it. We can’t use coconut oil in it because that upsets my gallbladder. We could try Palm shortening, but I don’t know how that would work. I suppose if we had grown up on mayonnaise only being made with olive oil, this would never be an issue. But I do want to get away from the soybean oil in Hellmann’s mayonnaise for sure.
Jay says
I don’t know if you got help with this yet. I learned it from several European sailors. The secret seems to be letting the egg yolk set with the lemon, mustard, vinegar Et cetera for a minute or two before beating in the oil. Then it shouldn’t separate. Try mixing the eggs and lemon and let it set for at least a full minute then slowly add oil. Hopefully this is the trick.
4HungryBunnies says
Also, it has been our experience that Grapeseed oil causes gas. Not sure if that is a common occurrence. Ha!
4HungryBunnies says
Using 1/2c EVOO and 1/2c org Palm Shortening worked AWESOME! The such depth of flavor and very thick immediately! Of course I had to melt the shortening first, so one extra step. But this is our answer! It has such possibilities for “flavored” mayonnaise, if we wanted to go that route. Spicy mayo can be quite wonderful when you’re in the mood for that, like as part of Hormel natural ham and bellpepper wraps!! Yum!
oakdryad says
I cracked my problem with making my own mayo. I use a stick blender, and what I finally figured out is that it doesn’t work when the container was a lot bigger than the blender head — I put all the five ingredients in together (lime juice, dijon mustard, egg yolks, oil and then a pinch of salt) and when you do that, it WILL emulsify if (a) after putting all the ingredients in, you let them sit for about 30 seconds to let the oil and egg separate, (b) the container is just a tiny bit bigger than the blender, and (c) you put the blender all the way down and turn it on low until you see the emulsification start, then start tilting the blender to incorporate the rest of the oil. My favorite oils to use are macadamia nut or avocado. They make a rich, creamy and tasty mayo. Yesterday I made mayo with hazelnut oil, which was lovely in a curried chicken salad.
Megan says
This is great, thank you! My husband gave me a funny look when I said I had made mayonnaise; once he tasted it, he said, “Tastes like mayo.”
Marina says
Hi there. I’m so excited to find a mayo to replace the store bought junk. Do you think this recipe could replace the Real Mayonaise like the store bought, or is this homemade mayo just for sandwiches and few other stuff?
Diana Bauman says
It can totally replace store bought mayonnaise 😀
teresa says
i have made it before but ‘pasteurized’ the egg in the microwave. however, after reading some of the posters/commenters here- i think the next time i make it, i’ll use my fresh egg without worry.
plus, since i’m not good with raw lemons and such, i sub white vinegar for that but add some spicy mustard.
love the lactic acid fermentation tip. thanks, will use it for my next batch of mayo.
Suze says
I would like to know if you have used just Olive Oil and not Extra Virgin Olive Oil.? Every time I try the extra virgin it never works and has an unappealing smell to it, I am wondering what the difference is? I have not tried your combination, but I will this week.
Rita says
I tried this and it is the best tasting mayo I have ever eaten!!!! I used 1/3 of each, evoo, walnut oil, veg oil, it was so good I could have used a straw and slurped it up! I will never buy store mayo again….besides they are now putting SUGAR in it…Thanks for your healthy food recipes.
Raymond Deaner says
just curious about the one ingredient. eggs. it says 1 egg and 1 yoke. do i strain the white from the 2nd egg. and just wondering why. Thanks for the tips. trying to do detox along with my chiro/phys therapy for getting into better health altogether.
Shirley says
Been searching for a mayo recipe that I can keep for awhile. Thanks so much for the recipe!
momof5 says
i just ran out of mayo yesterday so i’m glad i found this! going to try this tonight using avacado oil instead of grapeseed oil!
Carina says
I was SO hopeful that this mayo recipe would work for me. I have tried making mayo at least 30 times over the past year (no exagerating!) and it NEVER turns out. Ok, it did actually turn out twice, but that’s it, 2 TIMES out of 30! That’s not very good. I’m a decent cook, I know my way around the kitchen, but I can’t make mayo and I just don’t understand why. What’s the secret? The recipies all sound simple enough. I follow them, I use the right ingredients.
Sorry for the rant, I just SO wanted this to work. You see, we have a stack of tuna cans in our pantry and I have seven children and a husband that LOVE tuna and mayo. We can’t buy any decent mayo where we live and even if we could, finances are tight so we’re at an “only necessities” time for purchases right now. I do have eggs and oil on hand though so I should theoretically be able to make mayo.
It’s almost midnight here when I read your post about mayo. As I was reading, I got a surge of inspiration. I could do this, there’s no reason why not, it’s easy, and all the comments testified to it. I wanted to surprise my family with tuna and mayo tomorrow for lunch so I got up from the computer, the instructions in hand and went to work in hopes of beautiful, thick, fluffy mayo. Can you guess what happened? I did NOT get beautiful, thick, fluffy mayo, I wasted my oil and eggs and got gloopy, seperated YUCK. Just like the 28 other times I’ve tried it.
Oh how I wish I could come over to your house (or the house of another talented mayo making mama,) and watch as you turn eggs and oil into lovely mayo! SIGH, I’m a mayo making failure! My husband read your post too and tomorrow after the hens lay (he was going to try to do it tonight but I used our last two eggs,) he’s going to try too! He saw the tears in my eyes and the wonderful man he is, wanted to fix the problem for me. I hope he can. Maybe I’ll learn how to make mayo tomorrow from him. I’ll let you know.
My failure is in no how related to your wonderful post, there’s nothing wrong with your recipe I’m sure, it’s just me. Thank you anyway for all the time you put into doing this blog, I love reading it.
Diana Bauman says
Carina, I’m feeling sad for you! Can you let me know exactly your process. Replay it for me step by step and we’ll see if we can hammer this thing out!!
Mireille says
When you see that your mayo get “cut” meaning the oil separates from the rest, you stop blending and try to ad a tea tablespoon of condensed milk or mineral water or cream till the oil incorporates back in to the rest (the mayo can be a little more liquid but it will not separate) . Another method to be more sure the mayo wont get “cut” is to put 1 hard boiled egg yolk (cold) and mixed till became like a cream with a raw egg yolk, the lemon, salt and mustard then, for the beginning, is important to stir the oil slowly or even better put a little bit then mix till incorporated and so on. If you see that it looks like will “cut” ad a little mustard, incorporate then continue with oil. Or if it is too damaged and the condensate milk wont work still no need to throw it away. Boil another egg, let it cool take the yolk ad some lemon, salt and mustard then one spoon at the time from the “cut” mayo till is over. Hope this will help.
Carina says
Thank you for your empathy Diana. We didn’t try the mayo again today as the hens didn’t lay any eggs. Here’s what I did for the batch that didn’t turn out last night…
I have a vita mix blender, I put the two tablespoons of lemon, half a teaspoon of salt, a pinch of ground mustard, three egg yolks, (I didn’t want to use the white so instead I used an extra yolk) all into the blender and blended it up until well mixed.
I then got the devise from my food processor that has a tiny hole in the bottom for dribbling in liquids to whatever your’re making. I held that over the top of the blender and with the blender turned onto a moderate/high speed, (I think I used six or seven, the highest speed without the turbo booster is 10, I was worried that if I turned up the speed to much it would heat the mixture as is prone to do at high speeds) I poured my oil mixture which was half a cup of olive oil and half a cup of coconut oil, measured precisely,) into the food processor devise and let it pour it’s slow steady stream of oil into the “waters” below. At first I was so excited because it did get thick, I could hear the right noise and see that it was thick, not soupy, but it only lasted a very short time, after I had poured about half a cup of my oil in, it seperated and got all liquidy. I continued pouring my oil in until the whole cup of oil was used up. I stopped the blender to check the contents and like I had thought, it was all liquid and separated. I decided because it couldn’t get any worse, I would try to mix it a bit longer to see if maybe it would actually emulsify, it didn’t. I put it in the fridge and will try to figure out what to do with the strange mixture so as not to waste it.
I’ve tried making mayo with a stick blender, by hand as well as my food processor, thinking that maybe using a different method would work better. The two times it worked right, were the times we (my husband actually did the vigerous mixing while I poured the oil in a thin stream into his bowl,) did it by hand. Though we’ve since tried making it by hand, we haven’t been able to get it to work beyond those two times.
We’ve tried adjusting the tempurature of the ingredients, thinking that maybe it doesn’t work with cold eggs right out of the fridge so we used room tempurature eggs and oil. I’ve tried adjusting the speed settings on the vita mix, thinking that maybe I was using to slow or to fast a speed, I’ve used different recipies thinking that maybe one would work better than another. I’ve tried all different kinds of oils, thinking that maybe that would make a difference. I just can’t find the one thing to give me good results every time, or even most of the time!
If you have any advise, I’d sure love to hear it. I’m determinded to beat the my mayo making inadequacy!
Diana Bauman says
Carina, If I were you, I would slow down the blender to about a 3 or 4. Then, I would increase the acidity. So use 1 tbls of lemon juice. Those would be my suggestions since everything else seems right. Let me know if you try this.
Brenda says
I too used the tiny hole on my food processor with poor results and concluded the oil comes out so very slow, making the length of mixing time too long. The result was liquid mayo.
Now I just pour the oil slowly at first, then a little more heavily as I go, making the whole process much faster with thick, creamy mayo. Hope this helps.
Marilyn says
I just found this website and your post from 3 years ago. I also have a Vitamix and failed at my mayo making, because I mixed on a 7 speed. Then, I went to my Vitamix cookbook and followed the speed directions for Aioli (french mayo basically). After adding your ingredients to the blender (or whisk the ingredients in a bowl first to blend then add to blender):
“select VARIABLE 1. Switch machine to START and slowly increase speed to VARIABLE 3. Remove lid plug. While machine is running, slowly pour oil through the lid plug opening. As mixture begins to thicken, the oil may be added at a faster rate. Process should take no longer than 1 minute.”
Hope that helps!
Carina says
Thank you for the suggestions Diana, I will try. One thing I was confused about though, is you say increase the acidity, I used two tablespoons like your above recipe recommended, but in your reply, you said to use one tablespoon? I’ll do it again with lower speed. Is there anything you can do to fix mayo that breaks?
Jenny says
Were you ever able to figure out the mayo? I have only been able to make it work once, the other times were all fails. It’s so frustrating!
I am about to try this exact recipe for the first time. I’ll let you know how it goes!
Jay says
I commented on this but it went on the wrong thread. Mix the egg yolk with the lemon, mustard Et cetera and let it set for at least a minute. Then slowly add oil. Try doing it by hand. I tried using the bullet mixer and couldn’t make the magic happen. Didn’t have any luck recovering either once it was broke. This recommend by several old sailors.
Heather @ My Overflowing Cup says
Homemade mayo always tastes so much better than store bought. Thanks so much for the recipe. Your pics are stunning! I’m pinning this now.
Brenda says
Does the whey need to come from yogurt or can it be any whey? I have lots of whey from making ricotta and mozzarella from raw milk.
Diana Bauman says
It can definitely be from cheese making 😀
Stephanie Johnson says
I’m currently teaching in India, and I’ve been missing some of the tastes of home. I’m definitely going to try this but I have a couple questions. I don’t have access to olive oil, but they have mustard oil and sesame oil, which they use for everything! Aside from changing the flavor a bit, do you think these oils would work? Also, is there an alternative to using a food processor or stick blender? We have a small, very basic blender, but it has to be plugged in, and the electricity can be pretty erratic. Thank you!
Diana Bauman says
Stephanie, I’ve never made mayonnaise with either of those oils; however, any oil will work but the flavor will be much different than what you would find in the states. You can most definitely use a blender. It’s what I usually use. I hope this helps!
Islam disha says
It was really a great recipe..thank you very much dear
I Am a beginner cooker as i am a student,
Yesterday according to your recipe,i tried to make mayo,but when i took eggs and added oil finally…i saw my mayo was thin,I blended then again for 5min…but there was no change,i followed the instructions.. i thnik according to my eggs size,i have added excessive oil..
like this situation.. what should i do..
please help..
Ajay says
Great and simple recipe. I tried with only olive oil. it turns out to be good. Will try with sunflower oil as well. Children liked it. Thanks for this recipe.
Laurie says
Can I use powdered whey? It’s a great quality, no flavor or “extras”.
Phaedra says
I tried this twice. The first time, I started it in a hand powered food processor, but then it was taking to long to thicken, so I put it in my blender. It turned out perfectly! The second time, I thought I’d save some time by just mixing it in the blender right away. I doubled the recipe. It didn’t turn out. It’s all curdled and runny. I’m not sure exactly what I did wrong! Was it because I did the two batches at the same time, and it was too much for the blender? It was really warm I checked after I blended it a few times, so maybe I cooked it? was it because I didn’t mix it by hand first? Maybe I added the oil too fast? Would you have any insight into my dilemma? Is there any way of resurrecting it?
Diana Bauman says
Phaedra, when making mayo, one batch at a time!
lauren says
so I made a large batch of mayonnaise and it turned out beautiful. This was my first time making mayo and I dint even think about how long it would last. I made it this morning and put it in the fridge. Now several hours later I learn that I can add whey to ferment it to make it last longer. Can I add the whey even after its been refrigerated and save my large bat mayo from spoiling?
Diana Bauman says
Lauren, I’m not sure, really. I usually add some whey immediately if I make two batches.
Don Birdsall says
I’m a good home cook but new to making condiments. All the articles tat I read said that homemade mayo was simple to make and better than store bought. My first attempt (from another recipe) used canola oil and it was successful. Then I found this article that informed me that the addition of whey would extend the shelf life. I used this recipe to make a second batch using the olive and grapeseed oil mixture. It too, was successful. I combined the two mayos into one.
But first I had to make some whey. .
With a little research I learned that I could extract whey from store bought yogurt. Yet another project, but in the end I had about 4 ounces of whey and 10 ounces of tasty cream cheese as an unexpected benefit.
Anyway, of all the articles on this subject, yours was the one that I chose to use and it worked out well.
Thank you.
Diana Bauman says
Thanks for letting me know, Don! I’m glad it worked out for you 😀
Breezy says
The best tasting homemade mayonnaise I’ve ever made was made from avocado oil. It’s so good for us (Omega-6: Omega-3 Ratio 12:1, 70% monosaturated, 68% Omega-9 fatty acids, high in vitamin E.) and it has no taste but the mouth feel is so lovely. I use avocado oil for most of my cooking now, like for frying eggs and greasing pans for baking, but roasting veggies is my absolute favorite way to use it because of it’s super high smoke point (520°F). No more smoky house when we cook and everything tastes so yummy. We also use EVOO for a lot of things, especially italian foods and dressings and coconut oil for baking and anything else I can sneak it into.
alexis says
I use coffee filters if you don’t have cheesecloth .. over a clean microwaved mason jar.. ;))
Sharon says
I use my blender to make mayo with Chosen Foods Chosen Blend oil. It contains coconut and avocado oil. The recipe is simple and quick in a blender:
Olive or salad oil (Chosen Blend or half olive, half avocado, or use all avocado)
1 egg
2 Tbs cider vinegar
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp dry mustard
3/4 tsp sea salt
Dash white pepper
In covered blender container at low speed, blend 1/4 cup oil and remaining ingredients for 1 or 2 seconds until thoroughly mixed.
Remove center of cover (or cover) and, at low speed, very slowly pour 3/4 cup oil in steady stream into mixture; continue blending until well mixed. Makes about 1-1/4 cups. ENJOY!
Diana Bauman says
Thanks for sharing!
Cynthia Ahmar says
I don’t have grapeseed oil, and read on a site that in mayo, you should never put canola oil. However, I do have avocado oil and was wondering if this might be possible to use in your mayo in place of the grapeseed oil?
Cynthia Ahmar says
I used 3/4 cup avocado oil with 1/4 cup olive oil, pouring the oils separately, but made the mistake of using my mixer instead of a blender or food processor. I was able to save it by pouring the mix into the food processor and blending it for a little over a minute. However, I must say that the olive oil taste is too strong, it completely overwhelms every other taste. I had to add 1/2 teaspoon of mustard and even then the olive oil taste remains rather strong. I might try adding a tiny bit of white wine vinegar, or would the red one add more taste?
Johnny says
Hi! Diana,
I am following a wheat-free diet and with it, mustard is out and without mayo I find it a little difficult. After a relentless search on the internet found your simple mayo recipe – a real life saver.
Always thought mustard is an essential part of the recipe….haha..!
Thank you, thank you so much.
Diana Bauman says
Awesome! Thanks for sharing, Johnny!
Mick says
Since becoming vegan I have missed homemade mayo. I can buy vegan brands but store bought is always an inferior second choice to homemade. I don’t suppose you have any vegan mayo recipes or that you would consider sharing some vegan recipes?
Diana Bauman says
Hey Mick. You’ll find a lot of vegetarian/vegan recipes if you search by vegetable.
Donna Kolaetis says
Hello. Great to see such enthusiasm for homemade mayonnaise. Extending the life by adding whey is news to me, but I will be sure to try it next time that I make it.
One thing that I did not see anyone mention which may help with those who are having trouble getting the emulsion to form and stay is that the weather can make a big difference. Yes, the barometric pressure of the air in your kitchen affects whether the liquids will form an emulsion. After several failed batches attempted on rainy or even just overcast days, I learned the importance of this. Only make mayo on days ( or nights) with clear skies, no precipitation or clouds.
Someone mentioned that their separated mayo attempt meant that they had wasted the ingredients. I am way too cheap to throw out good ingredients! I still found ways to use it ( I think maybe in a rice salad, or maybe a casserole of some kind?). It doesn’t look great and would be weird on a sandwich, but it isn’t ruined in terms of being unsafe, it’s just not the texture that you were hoping to achieve.
Also, freezing typically causes the emulsion to break, although again, it is safe to eat, just greasy looking.
good luck to all the mayonnaise makers!
Diana Bauman says
Thanks for the tips, Donna!
Sarah says
I wish this comment was at the top of the threads. I just scoured the internet for information about how the barometer affects making mayo. I know that it does, I’ve witnessed both mayo failure and success with the only changing variable being the weather. It will never work for you if the weather isn’t right and NO ONE talks about that. It would be really helpful if someone explained that.
Ole says
If you care about health, don’t use Grapeseed Oil, it is extracted using Hexane, which is not a nice Chemical
Ole says
To better emulsify, whisk all the ingredients besides the Oil, for 30 – 60 Seconds first, it makes it easier!
Emmi says
Used 1/2 cup vegetable oil instead of 3/4 cup. Consistency was nice and thick.
Tasted nothing like mayonnaise to my palate.
Tasted wayyyyyy too much like olive oil and lemon juice.
Will try again using vegetable oil only and whey. So it will last longer for me.