We’re only a few days away from starting the 25 Day Grace Filled Journey to Real Food!
Also, my sweet friend and sister in Christ, Kelly, from The Nourishing Home is teaming up with me for this challenge. She’ll be providing the gluten free menu options and writing a few of the topics that you’ll find below. As you can see, you’re in great hands!
Below are the topics that you will be receiving via email every day for 25 days.
- Introduction
- A Plea For Pastured Meats
- The Importance of Real Milk
- Eggs – The Super Food
- Why We All Need Fat – Butter and Lard
- What Kind of Cooking Oil Should I Use?
- Real Salt – Yes, There is a Difference
- The Miracles of Broth
- An Introduction to Natural Sweeteners
- GMO’S – What is it and What Foods Contain It?
- The Dangers of Processed Soy
- The Tangled Web of Bread
- An Intro To a Gluten Free Diet
- Now That we Know the Basics, Let’s Ease Into Real Food – Buy This Not That
- Let’s Learn About the Growing Seasons (nutrient content in vegetables)
- Organic Foods – Dirty Dozen and Clean 15
- A Real Food Pantry
- Saving Money By Menu Planning
- Taming the Picky Eater
- The Mediterranean Secret to Phenomenal Vegetables
- Your Favorite Toddler Foods – Realfoodicized (Mac and Cheese, Hot Dogs, Chicken Nuggets)
- Real Food Snacks
- Real Food Lunch Ideas for Families on the Go
- Real Fast Real Food Dinner Ideas (Crockpot, Rice Cookers, Freezer Meals)
- Kitchen Appliances That Will Save You Time and Money
- Cookware – From Cast Iron to Stainless Steel
Don’t forget, you’ll also be receiving 3 weeks of real food menu plans (you’ll have a gluten free option) plus additional charts and guides to help you get started on your real food journey.
Also, as a recap, I did not want to call this a challenge but instead a journey. The 25 Day Grace Filled Journey to Real Food is going to help you build a solid foundation to real food. You’ll then be equipped to carry your journey forward.
Like I mentioned before, this is not a dogmatic approach to eating. It’s a common sense approach that will emphasize cooking at home, making real nutrient dense meals; however, if you’re living in the same world that I am, the reality is that we can’t make everything from scratch and sometimes we just don’t have the desire or energy to cook.
So as part of this journey, you’ll also be receiving a restaurant guide and resources as I mentioned above.
So, if you haven’t signed up yet, do it now! It all starts Thursday, January 2nd! Also, this journey will live on my website indefinitely, you can sign up anytime after January 2nd and the emails for this journey will start from the beginning. You won’t miss a thing!
For detailed information, click here!
Have you signed up yet?
Hello! I just signed up for this journey and am so excited for what you have to offer. Thank you for making it free! I know The Lord will richly bless you for blessing others.
I also clicked on the link after signing up to obtain a copy of the cookbook you were offering for free. Unfortunately I lost the link before I could look through the material and now I can’t find it at all. Are you able to send me the link or email me so I can add it to my resources?
Thank you!
I loved!! your article today about pasture-raised meats and CAFO’s. Very well done and researched. Question for you, we don’t want to buy a lot of meat at once, mostly because we’re not ready to invest in more freezer storage. We buy all our meats at Whole Foods, almost always organic. Is this almost equivalent from a health perspective to what you’re advocating in your article, with the exception of the meats not being as local? Thank you!!
Hi Jenni, I’m not really sure about the meats at Whole Foods. I do believe they do their best to sell pasture raised animals. I would ask them where they get the animals from and how they were raised. Local is best, organic is definitely next 🙂