Late last evening, after having spent a long day with the children, I could start to sense that my chest was starting to feel heavy. I wanted to start reaching for deep breaths, but reminded myself that I am okay, that I need not fear, and that after just a couple more songs and prayers I would have my own time of rest.
This is my daily battle. I’ve finally come to acknowledge that I have an anxiety disorder.
It’s hard to write that. It’s hard to admit that. I honestly don’t know how it started and at the same time I do. I wrote about my first anxiety attack here, over a year ago. Since that day, the anxiety within me has been like a rolling wave, making its way over an endless ocean.
Sometimes I feel like I’ve swam through the current making my way to the top of it… and feel, at peace. Then, somehow the rain pounds on me, from above, and I come crashing down, drowning, left without breath.
This cycle has ensued for the better part of a year. Up and down, up and down, up and down. I’ve visited the emergency room 2 times over the past year, thinking that there had to be something physically wrong with me. I’ve had physical symptoms from breathlessness, sharp pains in my back, chest, arms, jaw, and dizziness. I’ve had tingling sensations in my head, hands and fingers. You name it, I’ve had it.
I just couldn’t believe that these symptoms could have been caused by my anxiety. I wouldn’t accept that. To me, in my mind, it had to be something else. A heart attack…cancer. After about the first 8 months of having my first anxiety attack, I started slipping into a depression and didn’t realize it.
I woke up looking forward to go back to bed. For me, it was the only time of day that I could rest. In my sleep, I didn’t feel any symptoms and I could breathe normally, without thinking about it. I wasn’t having anxiety attacks every day, it was just the dreaded symptoms of my anxiety that kept my mind thinking all day long what could possibly be wrong with me.
I know this sounds completely crazy for those of you that have never suffered from something like this, but for me, it was very real.
Praise God, I have two amazing sisters in my life. They are both social workers, and one of my sisters was working towards a masters in therapy. They have dealt with a lot of mental disorders. Yeah, crazy I’m even writing that. One day my sister was facetiming me from California. She could see my eyes glassed over, that my thoughts weren’t on our conversation but on me. I think it was at this time, she went into therapy mode. I didn’t realize what she was doing but in our talk, I finally broke down and told her that I could not deal with this on my own anymore. With tears streaming down my face, I felt the tension just release from my soul.
For the first time in a long time, I felt better in finally acknowledging that I needed help.
It has since been 7 months since that talk with my sister and I’m by no means, “cured.” I am getting through my days though, joyfully. I can honestly say that it’s only been since the last couple of months that I’ve felt the best that I have in a long time.
This anxiety thing is so complicated. There’s so much to it and it effects people in so many different ways. For me, I’ve finally had to get it through my head that I suffer anxiety and had to realize that when I start feeling certain symptoms, that that’s all that it is. My bodies nervous system is off and I’m very sensitive to any slight sensation that runs through my body.
Since my first anxiety attack, I have done and changed many things in my diet to help but one thing is for sure, It takes changing your mind, your thought process to begin recovery. I feel like I’m just stepping into this. For the purpose of this post, I want to share with you one change in my diet that has helped me tremendously; however, I plan on sharing the most important thing that has helped me through this as well. Walking through this valley of death with my Lord, Jesus.
If there is one thing that’s going to bring you close to Jesus is thinking that you may die. It’s finally recognizing that this life is temporary and that our lives have to be aligned with Jesus. Seriously, we are all going to die. We are all going to take our last breath. That thought, for many, can be scary. It is scary. I know Jesus was scared when his time was drawing near. But like Paul, this trial I’ve been walking through has taught me that for me to live is Christ, and to die is gain (Philippians 1:21)
The one thing about anxiety is that it all stems from one thing, and that’s fear. Wow, the enemy had his hay day with me! He has been trying to undo my faith. To keep me from believing in a living and loving God…for over a year. But, not anymore! I refuse, refuse to live in fear! Jesus has been by my side this entire time. And as this father screamed to Jesus, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!” I too have come to Jesus to say the same.
Today, I’m standing much stronger than I ever have.
In this rainy season, Jesus, I praise you. God is brilliant, He’s awesome, And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). So why fear, right?! Not me, not anymore!
Drink This To Calm Your Anxiety Naturally and Quickly
As I’ve said, there are a variety of changes I’ve made to my diet but one thing has given me immediate relief of my anxiety symptoms. It calms my nervous system almost immediately.
Before I share with you what you need to drink to calm you anxiety naturally and quickly, I want to let you know that I’m planning to write an entire post on how I’ve been treating my anxiety disorder naturally. That’s going to be a long post. For me, my symptoms of heaviness in my chest and more difficulty in breathing seem to increase during the evening hours, when I’m most tired…and less apt to think rationally. I was drinking a glass of wine at night to help calm my nerves; however, once the alcohol made its way through my body, I felt that my symptoms were often times worse.
In my own research, I’ve finally found one thing that helps my nervous system calm down almost immediately without any side effects at all.
I know, crazy, right?! It’s true though. Tea calms me down immediately. In my own natural living journey, I’ve been learning a lot more about how to incorporate herbs and their essential oils to ease my anxiety. So I was so happy to learn that these remedies truly work.
I drink 4 glasses of tea per day. A combination of lemon balm and stress zapper tea from The Bulk Herb Store. Both of these teas, really help calm my nerves, almost immediately. I drink them plain without any added sweeteners. I drink a glass in the morning, one in the afternoon, one right after supper, and one before bed. Its helped me get through my days and allows me to sleep well.
This is just one of the many things I do, but one that I feel is the most effective and that truly helps calm my nerves right away.
This is just one of the things that I do and soon, I’ll be sure to share so much more.
Jan says
Have you checked out magnesium or iodine deficiency?
Diana Bauman says
Jan, my magnesium checks out okay but I’ve not yet looked at iodine. What I’d like to do is go to a naturopath and check out my hormone levels and then ask about some of those levels as well. Thanks for mentioning that!
Jen says
It’s sounds to me like classic hyperthyroid symptoms. Go to a naturopath please!
Missy says
My story is long and filled with many doctors trying to tell me that I was fine, but I have learned that a magnesium deficiency can really negatively affect your entire system. Don’t bother getting your levels checked unless you can find a doctor that will check the inter-cellular amounts. The usual blood work that they do only shows what is in your blood and that is less than 1% of you total mg. Your heart and muscles and bones could be very depleted and yet your blood still “looks good”. Dr. Dean’s book, The Miracle of magnesium, explains things really well. I would start taking magnesium glycinate and add more until you feel better. You can’t get to much as your body will flush it out. I also felt guilty that my 1st doctor told me that I had chronic anxiety. The Bible says, “do not be anxious”, so that made me feel even worst. But, now I know that it doesn’t start with the mental and become physical, but the other way around. Also, I do like Passionflower drops when I am having an extremely stressful time and feel I need a little something more. Hope you feel better soon 🙂
Kathy says
Thank you for this. 🙂 God Bless you!
Vanessa says
Also have your b vitamins checked if your magnesium is good your b vitamins may be low.
Sharon Levy says
Follow “optimal recommended” intake. B-12 is also essential, and omega 3’s.
Heather @ My Overflowing Cup says
I don’t struggle with anxiety like I used to. When I do, however, I reach for relaxing teas. Between the herbs and the hot water, it helps a lot. As does quiet, rest, time with God, and prayer, but I know there isn’t always a time or place for those things in the midst of a busy mom’s life. Thanks for your honesty and openness. I appreciate your willingness to share your story so that others may be helped by it. Blessings, Diana.
Diana Bauman says
Yes, Heather, my morning time with the Lord is a must! Thanks for stopping by 😀
Amelia says
I have anxiety problem as well sometime my panick attack come with heart pounding and it make me freaked out and think am going to die BT I wish I could feel better one day and feel like me before
Jana says
Diana, thank you for this timely post. I want you to know you are not alone! I’ve suffered from anxiety for most of my life, nearly as long as I can remember. It would seem that it runs in our family.
It sounds like you’ve found some good herbal remedies that really work. I love and use herbs almost every day, and what works well for me when I’m anxious or feel that I can’t breathe well (I have that effect too) is chamomile. It is a deeply relaxing and calming herb, I find. I wonder if it’s in the blend you’re using?
I too quote scripture when I’m anxious. I love all the ones you quoted above, but the one that I quote first and foremost is this: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7. This always helps me so much.
Hang in there! Let’s keep encouraging one another! 🙂
Diana Bauman says
Jana, yes, that is definitely one of my favorite go to verses as well!
Jamie says
Diana, all i want to say, from the bottom of my heart is: thank you for this post.
Kristie says
I am so glad you are finding things that help you. It sounds like you have the right thinking about it and are seeking the One who helps us! I just cried on my friends this morning and they prayed for me (I was struggling with a somewhat different issue.) Godly friends (and sisters!) are priceless.
Kristi says
Woah. I could have written this post verbatim (at least the part about the symptoms). I’ve been dealing with anxiety since my second pregnancy 5 years ago. It rarely goes as far as a full blown panic attack, but chest pressure, strange tingling, all the stuff you mentioned has come and gone over the years. It’s terrifying and many of my family and friends just tell me to “quit being a hypochondriac.” I know mine is somehow hormone related because it’s always much worse when I’m postpartum and when my cycles are trying to start up again. (Still nursing number four.). I soooo appreciate hearing your story and your struggles. I tried for the longest time to JUST pray it away before I really embraced that my efforts in prayer were only part of the solution. Prayers for you in this journey and I hope you’ll keep sharing. Anxiety is so hard and it’s very helpful to know we’re not alone.
Aileen says
Thanks so much for sharing! I truly felt like you were writing about me. It’s been several years since my first anxiety attack. Like you, I thought that I was dying of something and was a regular at the dr…even wore a heart monitor for a month. I was so overwhelmed, I was bedridden. I began medication because I was so desperate. It made me feel even worse. I couldn’t figure out how to feel better because I thought Christians didn’t get depressed! So thankful for my pastor’s wife who guided me through the heart issues that led to my breakdown. Loving God with all your Mind by Elizabeth George and Will Medication stop the Pain by Elyse Fitzpatrick were invaluable resources that helped me dive into Scripture and learn to love and trust God with ALL of me. I still struggle with with thoughts and the physical affects of anxiety. However, I’m finding that it becomes harder and harder for me to sink back into deep fear because God leads me back to him quickly. The physical symptoms of anxiety can linger and be frustrating. Thankful to know about these teas as a resource for relaxing tense muscles and calming down. Are the teas you mentioned ok during pregnancy? Looking forward to hearing about other strategies that you find help with relaxation!
Debbie says
Thanks for being so open and for allowing God to steer your blog! I too suffer from anxiety. It’s gotten better, thank God. What definitely helps me is exercise! My daughter has it is well and it’s really helpful to just get out and go for a walk. I think I will try the teas! I look forward to reading more about natural remedies! God bless you through this journey!
Dena Norton says
I’m so glad you shared this very personal account so we can better understand what life has been like for you, and to pray for you more specifically, Diana!
Christy says
Oh, God bless you. I feel your story! I realized in the spring that similar symptoms (plus others) that I have experienced off and on for years are linked to adrenal fatigue (and possibly low thyroid issues). I finally met with a nurse practitioner who specializes in hormones, gut health, and the endocrine system last week. It’s crazy how imbalanced hormones can affect everything. Glad to see that you mentioned above you’re getting your hormones checked. Praying and believing God will lead you to restored health! <3
nancy says
Thank you for sharing about anxiety. I, too, have anxiety disorder (it’s in my family as well). Although I have accepted it, I tend to be anxious regarding most things but thankfully, not to the degree of panic attacks and hospital ER visits. I have learned, with God’s help, to accept and not sweat the small stuff so much and pray. I would like to try the stress zapper tea and lemon balm tea mix but couldn’t find the “lemon balm tea” listed with that name on the The Bulk Herb Store website. Could you help? Also, what is the ratio of the lemon tea to the stress zapper you use? Thank you!
Diana Bauman says
It’s in my family as well, Nancy! The Lemon Balm tea is actually a separate tea. It’s just lemon balm, you can find it here –>
Then, I also purchase the stress zapper tea which does have lemon balm in it. I just sometimes prefer just lemon balm. It works quite well!!
Quijslett Vaughn says
I been going through I haven’t felt this way in a while I had a baby not to long ago I was healthy and happy then one day I got so stressed the anxiety came back nerves all over the place
Carina says
I’ve had severe anxiety for several years now and just now finding all these great cures that are seriously saving my life. First, Autoimmune paleo diet. And candida cleanse. Read symptoms of candidates overgrowth, it’ll blow your mind. With the help of my MD I’ve found good success on that. And oh boy…………. That herbal tea is a lifesaver!!!!!!!! AMEN TO THAT
nancy says
PS… I have gone to the ER with panic attacks…but haven’t in a long time, thankfully, I did see a therapist for treatment and that helped. He pointed me to the Lord and that’s when my healing began. I believe God has been helping me to let go and let Him take over! But, it is a real disorder and not “in your head” as many mistake it for. We are precious in God’s sight and He knows all about it! Thanks again. Please let me know about the lemon balm tea.
Trish says
I realized I had an anxiety disorder after being around a woman whose disorder is so intense that it literally rules her life, rendering her unable to work or form friendships. I noticed the way she reacted to things, and I realized that I acted in a similar manner- when something goes wrong, I assume the worst and pain. I can think of little else become really self absorbed.. My disorder is not nearly as severe as this woman’s is, and just recognizing I have this disorder has allowed me to deal with it in a way I am comfortable with. But I wish I had realized that I had this condition much earlier in my life – I am nearly 50. I know it has had a negative impact on my life choices at times, but I just figured I didn’t handle things as well as others, and that was it. I feel pretty good at this point, able to tackle the future in a healthier manner.
I seem to be the only nonreligious person to read your blog (I stop by for the gardening and recipe, and I very much appreciate that you share your personal struggles, you are an inspiration). But it is important to me to put myself out to help others when the opportunity presents itself. So I have done my best to try to help this woman over the years (she works at the barn where I board my horses), but unfortunately it is of no use. It finally dawned on me that I did not know how to help this woman – it is a case in which ‘just listening’ does not help, it does nothing to alleviate her anxiety. I so very much wish she would get the help she needs but for whatever the reason she does not take the necessary steps to do this. If you chose to pray, pray for this woman, whom I hope very much finds peace someday, somehow.
Robin Nickles says
You never cease to amaze me! Your honesty and integrity are inspirational. I think so many of us suffer in silence when we need to reach out.
My anxiety is intermittent, but I’ve realized it’s cyclical and highly tied to my getting enough sleep and my blood sugar being off. I’ve tried meditation and journaling, but my only one surefire cure is a hard run or steep hike with good music.
Stephanie says
You mentioned in your article your go to tea is a combo of lemon balm and stress zapper tea. Can you give me details on what proportion of each tea and how you brew them? I want to try this approach for myself and want to order the teas correctly from The Bulk Herb store. Thanks for sharing this amazing article!
Diana Bauman says
Stephanie, I’m sorry for the confusion. I’m going to have to clarify this in the post. I drink two separate teas. One is just lemon balm and the other is called stress zapper tea which contains lemon balm inside of it as well. I like to drink lemon balm in the morning and evening and during the day, I’ll drink the stress zapper tea. Hope that helps!!
Gina says
I’ve discovered anxiety over the last year or so as well. It’s been eye opening – I can’t say I’ve had a full blown anxiety attack – I haven’t felt I was dying or needed to get to the hospital (but I do think if I hadn’t recognized it as anxiety I might have). It’s strange because I NEVER had problems with it before. I mean, I had anxiety at appropriate times, and it even made me feel sick, but I knew where it was coming from and that it would pass. This new thing makes no sense – it often starts as a small spark and then I feel it grow in waves of sick feelings and heavy chest. I don’t think it’s come on completely put of nowhere yet, but it has been an extremely exaggerated response to questions of my health – recently the lights flickered and my husband didn’t notice it at first and that sick feeling came up, like something must be wrong with me and them my mind goes wild and my body with it. I recovered in less than a minute but the nauseas feeling stuck around. Or once I got a weird feeling driving which led to the anxiety and I almost had to pull over and was pale by the time I got to work. I’m working at reducing my stress level – took on a hopefully lower stress job with little less hours. I’m not ready to admit its a “problem” but I do recognize it and am not happy about it. It also seems to come in groupings – fine for a couple months then a few episodes. I never thought I’d had anxiety problems, I never have, I’ve never struggled with depression etc. I’m guessing this is much more common than we realize, but I refuse to medicate unless it were to highly impact my functioning, and I certainly won’t add myself to the masses of adult women who need benzodiazepines on a daily basis. It’s funny to me it all seems to stem from fear of sickness or ultimate death – and it only surfaced after purchasing a home and “settling down” like I finally have something to lose? Or something like that? But I like your idea of tea, and might try it myself. My guess would be it has a lot to do with establishing a ROUTINE – something that signals your body everything is OK. Thanks for the tip.
Diana Bauman says
Yes, Gina. Something that helps me right away is also exercise. I now have to exercise daily or those heavy symptoms come on strong! I’ll have a full post very soon 😀 Thanks so much for sharing!
Sheena says
Dear Diana, I have suffered anxiety and depression for many years and the one thing which helped me control my frequent panic attacks has been joining a choir. Singing is good for the mind and the spirit – but also gives you firm control of your breathing and teaches how to breath properly, from the diaphragm. Being conscious of your body and allowing it to be an instrument places you firmly in yourself and in the moment, which seems to be what I needed to stop me hyperventilating.
Diana Bauman says
Wow, what great advice, Sheena! Thanks for sharing that with me 😀
alice says
i like the herb passion flower. i find it real relaxing and have used it for years.
Meg says
What a great post! Being so open and honest isn’t easy. I just wanted to mention that I have researched a gluten free diet for a few years , secretly thinking it was more of a fad and refusing to join. I eat a traditional/ whole foods/ WAPF diet. Anyway, I listened to an anxiety summit recently and almost all the interviews talked about how a gluten free diet can greatly help reduce anxiety, depression, and other things. It was very interesting. I have read about Dr. Natasha Campbell- Mcbride’s GAPS and the gut brain connection but never knew the strong connection with gluten. I also heard about lemon balm tea through that summit and started drinking it. I feel like it really helps calm me down. Looking forward to reading your post about the other helpful changes you have made!
Jenika says
God Bless you. What a great read. People don’t like to talk about this stuff but we need to. I haven’t had one issue with anxiety until recently. At first I thought it was too much coffee. I felt my chest sort of seize up and my neck throb. I would do as you and take deep breathes to will it away and attempt to calm myself. Then, I realized it’s anxiety. Real Life. I have four kids. Homeschool them all and work full time on the weekends. My husband and I live an incredible, grace filled life and we are grateful for every bit of it. However, some days it’s not the lack of sleep, or the lessons, or even the kid’s behavior that gets me…it’s the laundry and the dirty dishes, And, sometimes anxiety can happen when I feel perfectly at peace. I KNEW there were natural remedies. I have experiment with lavender but I AM an avid tea drinker and I can’t wait to try this. Thank you. I mean that from the bottom of my heart.
Noahla says
Hi, thank you for your candid story and the reminder to rely on Jesus!!! I wanted to share that Young Living’s essential oils have helped me quite a bit. Especially ones like Peppermint, Peace and calming, Stress away and Thieves. I also pray when I apply them. Hope this helps!!
Stephanie says
Thank you for sharing your story!!! I suffer from anxiety and it feels good that someone understands how I feel. Thank you!!!!
Marcia says
After seeing too many doctors (spending thousands of dollars) I found complete relief from an amazing Christian naturopath named Dave Frahm. I found him by reading his informative posts on Facebook. After a phone consultation, where he explained that my anxiety/panic disorder was due to complete adrenal collapse, out of balance hormones, and a weakened thyroid, he suggested targeted supplements and dietary guidelines. A little skeptical, I did everything he suggested, and the result was dramatic! I haven’t had a single episode since. So refreshing after dealing with doctors who wanted to write a quick prescription for anti-anxiety meds (which I did not want) and then dismissing me as a head case. Think cause and effect, ladies. There’s a reason you’re going through this, and it’s not always psychological! Fight for and find your answers. It’s so worth it.
Brittany says
Just wanted to say thank you for posting this! I googled Dr. Frahm and turns out I only live 45 min from his office and have an appointment tomorrow. Looking forward to getting some answers instead of the anxiety meds that the dr wants to give me. Thanks again!
Bri says
I have different political opinions than “Dr. Dave” and he blocked me on Facebook after I requested a consult. It’s absurd. It’s not very Christlike to ignore someone asking for help. It’s even more ballsy to ignore someone willing to pay.
I’m absolutely perplexed by this. What a shame. And I feel like it might be a sham, too. I’m 28 and a mother of two, and I’m in pain all the time. I have fibromyalgia and hypothyroidism, and I’m being ignored by someone people profess as being amazing. Shame.
Lynn says
What were the supplements that you used???
Tawney says
Hi! Thanks for sharing your personal struggles! I have suffered for many years! I have thought I was having a heart attack and a stroke. It’s so scary! I went the medication route for a lot of those years. I would not recommend that. It just made things worse for me. None really worked. There were so many side effects and when you transition from one to another…oh my goodness. It was horrible. The worst part was it took my eyes off of Jesus and onto the horrible way I felt. I am doing so much better relying on God and not looking to modern medicine to help. It’s been 3 years or so since I went off the meds. Jesus keeps leading me toward healing. There were emotional things that have been healed and now He and I are working on rebuilding the nutrional deficiencies I have. Essential oils are amazing! I have noticed that I do not like the energizing blends but I rely heavily on the calming ones. Magnesium and calcium and vitamin d another very important one is my b- complex. I can tell when I forget that one for sure. Also when my blood sugar drops it causes an anxiety flare. Mine usually flares at night and so I am thinking some are tied to my blood sugar. We are such complex and amazing creatures lol! Life is so good when you serve a good God! Don’t you think? 🙂 It takes courage to share these battles so keep up the good work…
CC says
PLEASE get checked out for pyroluria! It’s a simple urine test. Unfortunately most mainstream doctors don’t know about this disorder. The body loses zinc and b6 with this disorder causing anxiety and depression. I was diagnosed last year and only a few months ago had my middle child diagnosed too. I wish I had of known about it earlier.
Jenean says
I have also had issues with anxiety. Tea helped me a lot too. I recently found out I had a deficiency in Zinc and B6. They are both key making Neurotransmitters especially GABA which is the one you can be low on causing anxiety.
monika says
Hello Diane. I have had my first panic attack whilst pregnant. .. i.thought am dying. Ambulance has taken me from the street several times. Then i thought i must be going mad. I am pregnant again. And they are back again strong. I drink camomile tea (loose ) or.lemon balm. Seems to be calming me down. And yes the.most important. GOD. He has all the.Might and i trust in Him.
Wishing you all the best.
Joy says
Thank you for this post. I feel like I am reading about myself as I have the exact same struggle and it’s been exacerbated as a new mom. Appreciate your vulnerability. I have tried several herbal teas and look forward to trying the ones you’ve mentioned. And yes with Christ we can get through those moments and experience peace despite our circumstance or crazy thoughts/feelings. Blessings!
Bonnie says
Thank you so much for writing about you expencience. I have had the same stuff happen. Over 2 years I was in the ER for panic attacks and thought I was dying. Essential Oils have helped me the most. An oil called progessence plus has been a lifesaver for my hormones. I will defiantly try the teas also. Thanks
Connie says
Hi, Diane! What a terrific post that might help anyone going through such a time. I dealt with some uncharacteristic and extreme anxiety a couple of years ago that seemed triggered by my husband’s job loss; it wouldn’t subside…and then I got my blood tested and realized my hormone levels had changed drastically very quickly as a menopausal issue. I am also a believer in Jesus Christ, so my anxiety bothered me all the more, as if I wasn’t trusting Him to provide for our needs, but once I got my test results back and knew there was a physiological aspect, I realized I’d been beating myself up for something that was (at least to an extent) beyond my control. Who knows; your situation is no doubt unique to you, but it might be helpful to get your hormones checked. Thank you for writing, I want to keep that tea on hand! And pass it along to others. Anxiety seems to be a very common distress among people I know.
Tonya says
This post is the exact encouragement that I needed right now. Thank you so much! I’m looking forward to more articles on this subject.
Anna-Liisa says
Thank you so much for writing this post. Anxiety and Panic Disorder run in my family and for the past year I’ve been struggling with it myself although I’ve yet to be formally diagnosed. My first episode included a ride in an ambulance thinking I was having a heart attack. My most recent episode was yesterday. I’m going to give the tea a try. I know exercise helps too. I look forward to reading more about your journey. It’s so easy to feel isolated when experiencing something like this. Your post comforts me in part that it reminds me that I’m not alone. God bless. 🙂
Melanie says
Thank you for this post. One horrible thing with dealing with anxiety is the enemy telling us that we are alone in our struggles. Your post just proves him wrong. I started having anxiety and depression issues back in high school and I had no idea what was happening. I thought I was going crazy! It has taken me years to find a few things that help me when my anxiety hits. Number one- time with God is a must! I have to have my morning bible and prayer time. I can’t do it without Him. Number 2 (and I’ve only discovered this recently)- EXERCISE!! I have lost almost 20 lbs in five months because of clean eating and exercise and I can’t believe how much it has helped!! I look forward to trying the tea that you shared. Again, thank you for your post and your openness to share your struggles. God bless!
Sarah says
God bless you all! I have read through the blog post and all of the replies. So many suffering!! My heart goes out to you all! I have also walked through these dark water. There is hope! I wanted to mention specifically about a class of herbs and botanicals called Adaptogens that help the body to regulate stress, specifically in the adrenal glands. We live in such a state of chronic stress, that I believe our bodies are overwhelmed with it. Our adrenal glands are shot. I know mine were, and I drank loads and loads of herbal tea, including nervines like Lemon balm and lemon grass, as well as general herbs that are high in essential minerals like Alfalfa, oat straw and nettle. These helped to relieve the symptoms tremendously, but I was not right until I started a full nutritional system that included Adaptogens, as well as very high quality whey protein supplementation from grass fed cows. I highly, highly recommend that you research Adaptogens for the recovery of your adrenals and the balancing of your hormones. I am a calmer, happier, more energetic and more in control mamma to my seven children when I use God’s gifts in nature called Adaptogens. My prayer is for all those reading this blog post and those who have posted that you find the answers to your health. I believe firmly that God gives us the answers in his Creation!! This is an excellent book on the subject:
Pam says
I have recently gotten back into daily quiet time without Lord and Savior, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! That’s #1 for sure. I have also started on a couple of products from “It Works! Global” called “Greens” and “Confianza.” A sweet friend shared about how this combination of products helped her son get off of perscription drugs for ADHD and the Confianza had helped her with stress and anxiety. I gave it a shot and these two products have changed my life! My phone # is 813-708-4470 if anyone has wants to try them, let me know. They are all natural, non GMO and I will never be without them. I am going to try the tea, too!
Mary Stephens says
I can certainly relate to your anxiety struggles. My real battle started 14 years ago, but I’ve had it all my life. It was hereditary and, knowing what we do now, my mom and I realize I’ve always had it.
Lemon balm and Rhodiola Rosea have been a big help to me over the last 5 years or so. I also use a Hyland’s product called Calms Forte. These things have been very beneficial, along with a lot of life changes. I’ve learned the hard way sometimes, and other health issues have complicated the journey for me. Some years ago I also started having SAD in the winter for the first time in my life. That has had a new and difficult dimension to a complex struggle. But, God has been so good to me. He has over and over showed us things that would help and given friendships that were beneficial and pointed us in the right direction. He has also allowed me to be able to minister to others at various times who suffer similar problems. (In fact, Lord willing, I’ll be posting an article on my blog tomorrow dealing with SAD.)
Here are three verses that I think are especially important to think about in these situations:
1 Corinthians 10:13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.
We are not alone – we are not the only ones – and God IS faithful. He will give a way to escape the temptations, although we may have to bear the actual illness continually.
1 Peter 1:5-7 Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations: That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:
Sometimes, for God’s own reasons, we *need* to be in heaviness for a season.
Here’s one reason why:
2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.
Susan says
I have struggled with anxiety and extreme panic all my life. This is like my own story in the beginning. It became full blown panic by middle school. I felt very alone, and even now it is hard for anyone to understand. I still struggle daily and have been told to trust more in God. I know there is a purpose and I will continue to fight. I am so grateful that you shared this!
kelle says
Thank you for your post. My granddaughter is 11 and she could have written your words. Recently she has described herself as climbing to the top of a mountain and then being pushed down to the bottom, over and over. She has told me that she felt like she dying and thought it must be lung disease because she cannot catch her breath. Or heart disease because her chest feels tight. I showed her your article and we are going to try the teas. Thanks again.
Katie says
Hi! I’m just wondering if you could let me know how you make the tea? I just bought the lemon balm and the stress zapper tea. Also, can you make a days worth in the am then put it in the fridge? Thanks… I am definitely new to tea:)
Diana Bauman says
Katie, for every 8oz of water, you’ll want to use 1 tsp of tea. I just bring some water just to a boil on the stovetop, and then I use a tea strainer and put that onto the top of my cup. I then place 1 tsp of tea in the strainer and pour over with the hot water. Then, you just need to cover it and allow it to steep for 5-10 minutes. Yes, you can certainly make enough for the day and chill it. You can drink it warm or cold 😀 Hope that helps!
Mary says
This is me, exactly, down to the tingling and other symptoms. It started after I had my daughter 3 years ago via c-section and had brain and neck surgery (unexpectedly) 4 months later. I never quite have pulled myself together since. No panic attacks, but constant worry focused on health, looking forward to going back to bed many days, fatigue, high cortisol. Overall I do well with my daughter and hope it doesn’t affect her, but the older she gets the more I worry she will sense my anxiety. I haven’t yet gone back to work, either, so there’s a bit of stir-craziness in there, too. I’ve tried therapy, which did help but after a certain point there’s a change you have to make in your mind that only you can do. I do take a low-dose prescription anti-anxiety med, but I am also taking magnesium, teas (really want to try the ones you mentioned), adaptogens (though they sometimes make my heart race), getting off the birth control pill, and practicing guided meditations, since without the guidance my mind wanders too much. Bellaruth Naperstak is great. Deep breathing. Writing it all out and seeing it on paper helps, too – your worry, the counter-thoughts to the worry, etc. It’s a journey, and not enough people talk about post-partum anxiety in addition to depression (which I think I have developed as well along the way). Thanks again for sharing… I was feeling very alone and depressed lately!
Meranda says
Doesnt tea have caffien, and that enhanses anxiety attackts to those with anxiety?
And isnt the decaf version no good for you?
Diana Bauman says
Meranda, these are herbal teas so they naturally have no caffeine in them.
Pam F says
I’m so glad I saw your posting on FB today! My daughter suffers from anxiety and it gets worse at night, like yours. I think that’s when everything slows down and your more aware of what is going on around you and what’s going on with your body. I have been trying to help her with all natural herbs from Nature’s Sunshine and seeing a counselor every other week to talk things out. We have been drinking herbal teas a lot more. I look forward to reading about your journey and what you are doing for this debilitating disorder. Thank you so much for sharing with us. I will be sure to show this to my daughter.
Oumou says
Organic Rooibos tea no sugar needed in it… automatically calms me down
Barbara says
I started suffering from anxiety about a year ago. I was never anxious in my life, but suddenly I was paralyzed with fear. weak, and completely consumed with feeling like I had butterflies on steroids. I went to the ER and after a couple hours on a heart monitor I was released with an ativan — crazy lady syndrome. I thought it was menopausal, but through digging deeper, I have found my adrenal glands are not producing very much DHEA or cortisol. I don’t fit any disease or syndrome profiles, but I refuse to believe that one can become anxious for no reason at all. I don’t have anything I worry about, but just like you said, it just washes over me.
I drink tea, like you, but get tired of the same old, same old. I gave up all caffeine and drink lemon ginger tea in the more and cinnamon chamomile in the afternoon/evening. The link to your bulk tea source is not linked — is there something else you recommend?
My favorite scripture verse is: Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:6-7 Some days I can just say “Lord have mercy on me” over and over. I have faith that He watches over me, but there are days I’m hanging on by my fingernails, and I don’t think He wants that for me.
Ana says
3weeks ago I started having severe anxiety. I had been under a lot of stress however this all day anxiety took me by surprise. Mind you I have had anxiety in the past but mostly just lasting a few minutes and it would go away with some tea or deep breathing. Well this week I started getting panic attacks. I was on the verge of going crazy. So I Googled and found that b vitamins are depleted during stressful times. So I had b vitamins at home that I had never even opened and I started taking them yesterday. Today is Sunday. .. on Friday I had 3 panic attacks and today is my second day on the vitamins. .. well for the first time in weeks I haven’t had all day anxiety. I dI’d have anxiety but it went away fairly quickly. So I’m guessing that if I continue the B vitamins I’ll feel normal again! !! You should really try a b complex. I take Soloray stress b complex! I’m finally starting to feel normal and I am overly happy.
Diana Bauman says
Thanks, Ana!
Ana says
Oh I forgot to mention it’s timed released b vitamins which is supposed to be better! Feel better soon! BTW I also spray magnesium oil on my arms a couple times a day.
Nikki says
Thanks for sharing your story. As a woman with anxiety, sometimes it’s helpful to know I’m not alone or crazy. The Bulk Herb Store doesn’t seem to carry the stress zapper tea anymore. Do you happen to know what herbs were in it? I’ve been drinking Yogi’s Kava Stress Relief, but it doesn’t seem to be as helpful as it once was.
Jose Reyes says
Which is type of kind for Tea? i am trying to find a good tea, please thanks.
i have a hard time to had an anxiety, when i walk or store, make me suddenly anxiety, and looking for a restroom, i lost control of urinate, i can’t hold at all, and a short of breath, and a bit sweaty, which is a bit weird for me.
so anyway, i looking forward to your reply comment to my question, have a nice day.
Angela says
Hi..i’ve got panic attack sometimes for no reason once in a blue moon.I would feel so panicky and feeling uneasy but i could calm down thereafter after inhaling some essential oil like frankincense..but lately,i’ve tried the chamomile tea.It does help pretty much.i could even feel the pulse beating quite prominently.I’ve seen a neurologist and he has prescribed me Rivotril to be consumed at night as it could be drowsy.
But please do try chamomile does wonders really.
Have faith in yourself.I think we just need to relax.well i know it’s easier said than done right?but fingers crossed the chamomile tea could help you.
Tiena says
Hello Diana,
The search for herbal remedies has been long and I have tried a few. I, too, love the soothing effects of tea and have always thought of it as soothing my soul. I have been battling anxiety and depression for 9 years due to several different reasons and have sought different methods including professional help. I am very intrigued by calming my anxiety with tea and that it works quickly. Thank you for your honesty and sharing about yourself. When I try the tea I will let you know the results.
Amha says
Hi there,
Thanks for sharing your enduring story! I guess I am relieved I am not the only person who thinks I am crazy and/or weird. I have had really bad anxiety for over 3 months. I know this has become part of me as I go to bed thinking “Tomorrow will be a better day”, and yet I still feel the same and a sense of doom and depression consumes me. I am not the happy person I used to be despite taking all the natural medication int the world. My mind decides to stay on edge and I feel for all those who suffer out there!! I truly think god is very unfair because no good human being should suffer like this! I continue for my family as I am sure others do! Anxiety disorder is not something u choose! It’s like a switch that wont turn off no matter how much u pray. I hope that this world will become a better place in time and that humanity will have the ability to have peace given to us easily.
Diana Bauman says
Amha, I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I empathize with you. I know how difficult it can be but rest assured, this didn’t choose you. We have worked our bodies to a state of anxiety so as long as it took you to get there, it can take just as long to heal. I’ll be getting into this in my anxiety series, but for now, I would highly recommend that you take Magnesium Glycinate. This is a good brand –>
I take 400mg per day. I think you’ll see that you’ll start to feel better but you’ll still need to get to the root of your problem. If you haven’t signed up to my newsletter, I’d encourage you to do so as I’m going through an entire series on anxiety. God bless you!
Carolyn says
i have terrible anxiety and panic attacks. It is crippling my life. I really need some sort of relief. Someone had told me to try gabatrol. Have you ever tried this product?
Diana Bauman says
No, I haven’t. Can I suggest magnesium? Natural Calm. Hope that helps a bit!
Anna says
God bless you for this post. I am having anxiety attacks due to detoxing off prescribed narcotic pain meds. I never abused the meds and fought my doctor on taking them. But he insisted that I stay on them because no other pain med worked without awful side effects. I stayed on these pills, no more than 6 per day as prescribed, for 16 years. Over the years I asked him at least five times if these medications or addictive and could cause me harm, but he kept insisting if taken as prescribed they are not addictive but my body would become dependent on them . In March of this year he quit his practice with no warning to his patients. I stayed with the same group of doctors, but after seeing 3 of them who accused me of being a drug addict and not prescribing more of the narcotics, I decided to stop taking them. I convince one of the doctors to prescribe enough pills for me to do a slow taper. I stepped down one half pill every two weeks until I was taking none. As I did this I started getting anxiety attacks, just like you described in your original post here. The new doctors wanted you to give me various anti-depressants … which I refused to take because the first doctor tried me on these years ago for pain and they did what is give me sleep issues and other issues that I could not tolerate. I got a prescription for a low dose of Xanax which I would take one half pill two times a day. But the anxiety was coming worse now that I was off of the narcotics. After reading your post about the stress zapper Tea I decided to order a bag and give it a try. I have only use this for two days and I am more than amazed at how I feel. I feel normal again. People who have never had anxiety attacks do not know what this means . I hope this continues to have the same effect. By the way else I slowly tapered off the narcotic pain medication, I noticed my pain getting less. I feel this is due to the pain receptors in your brain remembering the pain. Perhaps I never needed those pain medications that many years . I will keep you posted and updated. Thank you once again. I will subscribe to your newsletter. God bless you and may you have health and happiness in the new year.
Mike Graham says
I am a male, 54 years young and just read your article. About a year ago, I woke up in the middle of a sleep and was shaking like crazy!! I thought I was having a heart attack! I had my wife bring me to the ER and they did blood tests but could not find anything. They gave me a saline IV and I was sent home saying my body was depleted of natural enzymes. Since then, it has happened 4 more times and I have found that drinking a G2 Gatorade and a glass of juice calms me down. The last time it happened, I had had enough and went to my regular doctor. He saw the symptoms himself, elevated BP to above 155/90 ( normally runs 115/73 like clockwork) , fatigued muscles, shaky/jittery body, very little concentration on anything, stiff neck and tense shoulders, no chest pains though I just felt drained completely. He was getting ready to do a bunch of other tests, then out of the blue I said that as I felt them coming on the other day, my wife and I decided to have a glass of wine, and lo and behold, the symptons went away completely. He then said he had a pretty good idea what was going on, I was having a stress/anxiety attack. It doesn’t help that I am on a rotating shift at work, switching from day to nights every 2 weeks, and even in the middle of the week. He gave me a prescription for propanolol 10 mg and told me to pick up some melatonin to take an hour before going to bed. He said once my BP returns to normal, which was 2 days, to stop taking the propanalol but to continue with the melatonin. He said to experiment with the melatonin so I would get a restful sleep but not groggy feeling when I woke, which was 1.5mg. I do not like taking medicine at all, I do take fish oil with omega3, vitamin D with calcium and a B-complex stress vitamin. I realized after that, it was definitely stress/anxiety and I just need to find the right combo to combat it, although a normal sleep schedule would definitely help. I too, prayed to GOD for help, and have been saying a Novena with the rosary. I will definitely give the tea a try!! Thank you so much for your article, it was a relief for me!! I ask for prayers that this will leave my life and my normal happy go lucky felling will once again return, GOD Bless all of you who suffer from this, may we find our own solution to this and live happy once again! Thanks again!!
Diana Bauman says
Hey, Mike, thanks for sharing what you’re going through. You’re body is definitely screaming for rest. I’ve learned that your body needs rest. Also, it sounds like getting your blood sugar levels in check will help as well. I’d cut down on sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and white processed food etc … I’m sure your magnesium is depleted as well. I’d get on a magnesium supplement. Magnesium Glycinate. The B-complex is great and adding Vitamin C will help as well. Once you get your body rested, cut out the sugar, and add some of these key supplements, you’ll find yourself feeling much better!!
Deb M. says
I’ve had anxiety issues for a while now, and wear some essentials in a diffuser necklace that help. I have also noticed though, that sugar seems to be part of the trouble, if I stay away from it mostly I’m better…so I’m working on that and trying to get better at staying away from it mostly. Hopefully one of these days I can not have the craving for sugar that I’ve had my whole life…always had a sweet tooth for as long as I remember…but have cut it down a LOT already, and just went three weeks without any but a little bit of fruit…so if I can keep lengthening that time out maybe I’ll get to where I almost never have any…God Willing!
Diana Bauman says
For sure! Cutting down on sugar helps tremendously! I need to catch up on this anxiety series! If you are not currently taking magnesium, I highly recommend it. Magnesium citrate (Natural Calm), or Magnesium Glycinate (Pure Encapsulations). It helps tremendously!
Apryl says
I am 40 and began having panic attacks when I was almost 8 weeks pregnant here recently and felt it was the pregnancy causing it all. The panic attacks started at the tail end of those 8 weeks which involved one week of heaviness. I was having symptom of GERD which triggered my anxiety had me thinking I was having a stroke and/ heart thus went to the ER only be told I was having anxiety. I made a quick decision to end the pregnancy prior to the ER visit however the panic attacks continued during this dark time my faith was missing in action and I was loss. Went to a psychiatrist who prescribed me Zoloft and I didn’t like the way it made me feel, only took them for a few days. I am finding strengthening and restoring my faith is what I need. I wake up to prayer thanking God for his blessings and go to bed with a prayer. I have been an emotionally mess every time I have GERD symptoms which include heartburn and chest pressure only to add more pressure when my anxiety starts up. I stumbled across this blog which has been a God send for me to read. Knowing I’m not alone has been a relief to read. My anxiety starts in late evening and at night…. during the day I don’t seem to have anxiety. I’m going to try the tea and ask my doctor to check my hormones levels as well at my blood sugar. I went to the cardiologist and all test and reports came back normal as I really thought there was a problem with my heart… my next health check is with a gastrologist to diagnose what is going on re: my GERD symptoms. I will say I’ve been going through this for about 3 weeks now and a great spiritual awakening has come over me and I embrace this part of my journey. I would like to attack my anxiety without medication and manage it naturally. Thank you to every that have posted here while it was in 2014 it has truly been a blessing and therapeutic for me in Oct 2018. Stay blessed and continue to comment as your words have been very helpful for me.
Diana Bauman says
Apryl, I’m sorry to hear you have been going through a very difficult time. I’m saddened you’ve ended your pregnancy and do pray you have been able to find healing. There is so much to write about anxiety. So much I’ve learned, one thing to help anyone reading this post right now is that anxiety stems from a hurried life. Too much going on, too much worry, too much leads to panic attacks. What your body needs asap is rest. From there, an elimination diet to heal the gut. Supplements to be taken right away are a good probiotic, take right before bed on an empty stomach, at least 25 billion up to 100 billion, then magnesium glycinate, 450mg to 600mg per day. I take magnesium glycinate from pure encapsulations. 2 in the morning and 2 before bed with my probiotic. That’s a good starting point, but really, a changed life, one deeply grounded in Christ, is what truly heals anxiety. I will commit to writing a post on this!