Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:1-2
2013 is a blur. It sped by with tremendous speed – in rain and sun, it was difficult and awesome, to say the least. I gave you bits of information here and there and as I’ve shared before, I couldn’t have possibly endured this season of trials without the comfort of Jesus. I sought.. I begged for God to show me that he’s real and living today and I shared here how he revealed himself to me.
I believe in the deepest of my hearts that God is real, that Jesus came to die so that one day we could live with him for eternity. He gave us a hope in a life after this one, that as we all know, is but a vapor…
To me, the things in this life that consume our day to day are really unimportant. What I do, the earthly achievements, and success will not make it to heaven… so instead, I’ve promised my God that what I do here with my time and energy will honor him and bring him glory.
This blog belongs to Jesus Christ.
I pray that my words will bring you all a bit of hope that there is something to look forward to in this life. That in it, no matter where we are at, can bring glory to our Father and that this life doesn’t start and end here. No, we have so much more to look forward to.
To those that don’t believe, I’m a friend. I pray that my words will bring you comfort no matter where you’re at. That a seed might be planted and that you yearn to know more…
You know ladies, this world is hard. It’s hard to live in. We have minds that can work against us… pitting each other against one another. What if we gathered to fight that. What if we could get together to fellowship and unite to talk and learn what God has for us today.
Well, I’ve gathered with the women at my home church at Calvary Chapel Des Moines and we’ve decided to host the If: Gathering.
If: Gathering
The IF:Gathering is a fresh, deep, honest space for a new generation of women to wrestle with the essential question: IF God is real… THEN what?
Calvary Chapel Des Moines is very excited to be hosting this 2-day gathering via webcast on February 7th-8th. We will bring women together to wrestle out how to live out the calling God has placed on our lives as we watch and listen to teachings via webcast by Jennie Allen, Jen Hatmaker, Angie Smith, Rebekah Lyons, Ann Voskamp, and more!
This is going to be a laid back event. We’re going to gather and join as women at my home church to fellowship in deep talk, good food (I’ll be cooking!), and a spirited time as we seek God.
On February 7th, we’ll meet at Calvary Chapel Des Moines at 5pm. We’ll have snacks, coffee, and tea. We’ll head into the sanctuary and watch two sessions via webcast.
Session 1: Throw Off the Sin that Entangles
- This session consists of prayer, worship, and real talk about the things that hinder an entangle us from living God’s calling
Session 2: Fix Your Eyes on Jesus
- A time to listen to scripture, pray, and worship God together.
On February 8th, we’ll meet at Calvary Chapel Des Moines from 8am – 5pm. Breakfast, lunch, and snacks will be provided. The Two sessions on Day 2 are…
Session 3: Run Your Marked Race
- This will be a fun time of dreaming and hearing from women who are bravely living God’s calling on their lives.
Session 4: Unleashed Together
- We will worship, pray, and dream about what we can do together in our time and be challenged to make one dream a reality!
To cover some expenses there will be a $10 fee to attend. This goes directly to some of our expenses and to the If: Gathering.
I’d love to see you there!
This is my home church, Calvary Chapel Des Moines. I’m really praying that God will open up your heart no matter where you’re at and lead you that we could spend some time together. I know it’s difficult to get out and venture to something new but trust in God… he’ll meet you where you’re at and his word shall not never return void (Isaiah 55:11). You’ll be blessed… I’ll be blessed. I’m so looking forward to this event to see what God has for me and I’m also excited to possibly meet any of you that spends some time here.
We’re located at:
Calvary Chapel Des Moines
606 E. 9th Street
Des Moines, IA 50309
If you will be traveling, please get in touch with me at [email protected] that I can help you with hotels. Also, if you do plan on attending, please let me know in the comments below or join our facebook group and let us know there so that I can plan on how much to cook!
— > If Gathering, Calvary Chapel Des Moines Facebook Group
In the group I’ll be sharing more information and we can talk as well 😀 If you have any question at all, visit the if:gathering website or leave me a comment or email me!
I pray to see you there!! Join us on facebook!!
– Diana
Angie Lawson says
Diana, I’m so glad that i found your blog! I’m so grateful and refreshed for your strong testimony of our Savior, Jesus Christ! I also have a firm testimony of Him, and that there is definitely a better place that awaits us when we pass from this life! Family is SO important to me, they are my everything. We have 8 children and there’s never a dull moment, but at the end of the day there’s no where else I’d rather be! I am so looking forward to being one of your followers. Thanks for sharing! –♥Angie
Diana Bauman says
Thanks for stopping, Angie! God bless!